Elder Scrolls Legends Solo Arena Tier List [V.2.15]

The Tier List ranks all the cards for the players to have the best cards in their decks

In Elder Scrolls: Legends, Solo Arena is an in-game mode that consists of a series of matches against opponents. Rather than using your pre-built decks, you will be given one of three classes and given a pick of cards from that class to build a thirty-card deck. The built deck will only be usable for the rest of the arena, so this Elder Scrolls Legends Solo Arena Tier Lisis to help you guys to choose the cards wisely.

Cards in this article are ranked by their power level. So, if you are unsure what card to select in a draft in arena mode then we are here to help you by ranking all the cards in different tiers from best to worst. It should be kept in mind that this list is based on our research, experience, research, and personal perspective which might be differing from yours.

Key Points

  • There are a total of 651 entries in the article.
  • Each of them has been ranked based on meta-relevance and their overall contribution.
  • Among the top ranks, you will find Blood Dragon, Reive Blademaster, Vigilant Giant, Aela the Huntress, and Earthbone Spinner.
  • In the bottom ranks, you will see Abandoned Imperfect, Dwarven Spider, Maple Shield, Spider Worker, and Blackreach Rebuilder.


Here is a table showing the ranking of all Elder Scroll Legends Solo Arena Cards:

S RankA RankB RankC RankD Rank
Blood DragonGarang, Dark AdherentSkyforgeDremora MarkynazHit and Run
Reive, BlademasterVolendrungRelentless RaiderWorld-Eater's EyrieIntimidate*
Vigilant GiantWildfire DragonUlfric StormcloakGladiator Arena*Stormcloak Camp
Aela the HuntressAldora the DaringWood Orc HeadhunterDread ClannfearNord Firebrand
Earthbone SpinnerGrahtwood AmbusherMage SlayerTrebuchetAlpha Wolf
Belligerent GiantFearless NorthlanderAlik'r Survivalist*Whirling Duelist*Elixir of the Defender
Markarth BannermanWithered Hand CultistPlunder*Hunter-KillersSeptim Guardsman
Unstoppable Rage*Child of HircineWrothgar ForgeFiery ImpChanter of Akatosh
Stampede SentinelLumbering OgrimBlighted AlitImprovised Weapon*Healing Potion
Burn and PillageAncestor's BattleaxeStormcloak AvengerNorthwind Outpost*Elixir of Vitality
Triumphant JarlDushnik-Yal ArcherDuel Atop the WorldBog LurcherSpeaker Terenus
Underworld VigilanteOrc Clan ShamanStoneshard Orc*Bone BowMage's Guild Retreat
Cast OutSkeever InfestationAfflicted AlitFireballStudium Headmaster
Aela's HuntmateOrc Clan CaptainCovenant MarauderTrial of FlameSummerset Orrery
Cradlecrush GiantOrcish WarhammerRampaging MinotaurA Land DividedArcane Enchanter*
Morkul GatekeeperCandlehearth BrawlerAssassin's BowBlackmailThalmor Embassy
Savage OgreBattlefield ScroungerSilvernar TrackerArtaeum Savant*Craglorn Scavenger*
Protector of the InnocentMighty Ally*Raiding PartyDagi-raht Mystic*Studious Greybeard
Steel ScimitarRapid ShotSkirmisher's ElixirHero of AnvilNiben Bay Cutthroat
Fell the MightyGraystone RavagerInspiring StormcloakImperial MightStealer of Secrets
Battlerage OrcStone ThrowSkyborn DragonElsweyr LookoutEmbassy Guard
Circle InitiateSkaven PyromancerRatway ProspectorReconstruction EngineRing of Namira*
Stormcloak VanguardSharpshooter ScoutRihad Battlemage*Imprison*Leafwater Blessing
Grappling HookSwiftwing DragonRihad Horseman*Aldmeri PatriotSpider Lair
DawnbreakerBerserker of the PaleRiften PillagerTwo-Moons ContemplationBarter
Undying DragonShield BreakerHeavy BattleaxeImperial CampSwindler's Market
The Black DragonUlfric's ZealotValenwood HuntsmanWar CryElixir of Light Feet
Cloudrest IllusionistHaafingar MarauderBlades Lookout*Legion ShieldBrotherhood Sanctuary*
Divine FervorMiraak, DragonbornQuicksilver CrossbowCalmMove in Shadows
MantikoraDawn's WrathBangkorai Butcher*Sunhold MedicLockpick
Bandit RingleaderLydiaRelic HunterCathay-raht VeteranArrow in the Knee
Dawnstar HealerSpiteful DremoraRenowned LegateMarked ManParalyze
Hive DefenderLoyal HousecarlAuroran SentryThalmor JusticiarHigh Hrothgar
Phalanx ExemplarPit LionDescendant of AlkoshStaff of SparksNecromancer's Amulet
Cast Into TimePillaging TribuneJarl BalgruufCollege of WinterholdImprisoned Deathlord
Golden SaintFifth Legion TrainerLegate RikkeEcho of AkatoshElixir of Vigor
Bruma ProfiteerImperial Reinforcements*The Mechanical HeartWisdom of AncientsChieftain's Banner*
Eastmarch CrusaderPenitus Oculatus AgentHelgen Squad Leader*Ice WraithImperial Armor
Morthal ExecutionerGrisly GourmetRavenous HungerBrilliant ExperimentAltar of Despair
Thieves Guild ShadowfootDevourImmolating BlastDragonstar Rider*The Night Mother
Piercing JavelinKarthspire ScourgeTower Alchemist*Moment of ClarityAlduin*
ExecuteScouting PatrolCauldron Keeper*Battlereeve of DuskForsworn Looter*
Senche-TigerResolute Ally*Wolf CageDragon Priest MaskPrized Chicken
Sanctuary RaidAuridon PaladinPraetorian CommanderCruel FirebloomBrass Arquebus
Cleric of KyneImperial LegionnaireArrow StormGardener of Swords*Skeevaton
Clockwork ApostleKnight of the HourHive WarriorMaster Swordsmith*Abandoned Imperfect
AncanoSolitude StalwartImperial Siege EngineExcavate*Dwarven Spider
Daggerfall MageKvatch SoldierRiverhold EscortDaggers in the DarkMaple Shield
Supreme AtromancerCliffside Lookout*Blood Pact MessengerCrystal Tower Crafter*Spider Worker
LaanethWinterhold IllusionistArrestSteel SwordBlackreach Rebuilder
Ice StormRiften LawkeeperSnow WolfPalace ConspiratorWord Wall
Breton ConjurerMentor's RingShivering ApothecaryCourt Wizard*
Heirloom GreatswordIndoril ArchmageMecinar's WillDark Rebirth*
Conjuration TutorBringer of NightmaresSummerset ShieldmageFire Breath
WardcrafterWispmotherPriest of the MoonsDragon's Fury*
Shrieking HarpyKeeper of WhispersPack WolfMistveil Enchanter
High Rock SummonerBlood SorceressLegion Praefect*Arcanaeum Librarian
Royal SageThief of DreamsRajhini HighwaymanNest of Vipers
Elusive SchemerSkilled BlacksmithCheydinhal SapperSpider Daedra
Riften PickpocketMace of EncumbranceTusked BristlebackSwims-at-Night
Lightning BoltTelvanni ArcanistPriest of the Eight*Green-Touched Spriggan
Mystic DragonAsh ServantRevered GuardianArenthia Swindler
Shocking WamasuFate WeaverRuin ArchaeologistHidden Trail
FireboltDres RenegadeSnowhawk DetatchmentCamoran Scout Leader
Cunning Ally*Corsair Ship*Call of ValorTorval Crook
Ungolim the ListenerSpear of EmbersNahkriin, Dragon PriestShadowgreen Elder*
Tazkad the PackmasterIcewing DragonDivayth FyrSnake Tooth Necklace
LeaflurkerDoppelgangerJ'ZargoGoblin Skulk*
Snowy Sabre CatCrown QuartermasterWinter's GraspSwift Strike
Moonlight WerebatTome of AlterationBalmora SpymasterGrand Ball
Eclipse BaronessCamlorn HeroMaster of Arms*Daring Heist
Murkwater ShamanCamlorn SentinelShimmerene PeddlerMurkwater Goblin
Mournhold TraitorDunmer NightbladeDesperate ConjuringMounrhold Guardian
Cliff RacerConjuration ScholarDark RiftGreenheart Knight
Shearpoint DragonReverberating StrikeMemory WraithThievery
Deshaan AvengerQuin'rawl BurglarDres Tormentor*Drain Vitality
Murkwater WitchAstridBaron of TearPalace Prowler
Blacksap ProtectorBrynjolfElixir of DeflectionCaravan Enforcer*
Eldergleam MatronSails-Through-StormsGlenumbra SorceressSightless Skulk*
Fighters Guild RecruitPahmar-raht RenegadeFire StormDovah of the Voice
Brotherhood SlayerWild BeastcallerEvermore StewardIron Atronach
Daring CutpurseHouse KinsmanRevealing the UnseenInnkeeper Delphine*
Thieves Guild RecruitGiant SnakeInsightful ScholarSiege Catapult
Sanctuary PetDeepwood TrapperThrone AlignedWrothgar Kingpin*
Clockwork ScorpionShadowmasterBrutal AshlanderGrim Champion
High King EmericTerritorial ViperAbecean NavigatorHackwing Feather
Allena BenochFeasting VultureLillandril Hexmage*Hist Grove
AhnassiGreen Pact StalkerRedoran EnforcerWaves of the Fallen
Red BrammanMalefic WreathSoul SplitSuppress
AyrennDune SmugglerIce SpikeGloom Wraith*
Queen BarenziahDune StalkerLesser WardWatch Commander*
Edict of AzuraBack-Alley RogueGhost Sea Lookout*Ring of Imaginary Might*
Thorn HistmageSly MarshbladeVigilant of StendarrYew Shield
Sower of RevengeFinish OffFarsight NereidSteelheart Vanquisher
Sentinel BattlemaceShadow ShiftScroll SeekerBrassilisk
Rift ThaneNimble Ally*Shalk Fabricant*Lowland Troll
Shornhelm ChampionChaurus ReaperNecrom Mastermind*Tree Minder
Ulfric's HousecarlGiant BatThieves' DenOldgate Warden
Emperor's BladeGloomlurkerThieves Guild FenceDragonplate Armor
Sorcerer's NegationWoodland LookoutSerpentine StalkerHealing Hands
Crusader's AssaultGortwog gro-NagormMurkwater Skirmisher*Deathless Draugr
Monk's StrikeTyrTenmar SwiftclawOrb of Vaermina
NahagliivMerric-at-Aswala*Smuggler's HallJourney to Sovngarde
Bone ColossusGeneral TulliusElder CentaurDragon Mound
Blood Magic LordSkywatch VindicatorChaurus Breeding PitHalls of the Dwemer*
Frost GiantSadras AgentCog CollectorForsaken Champion*
Galyn the SheltererMaster of Thieves*Murkwater SavageFlesh Sculpture
Shadowfen PriestBattlemage's OnslaughtRansackStar-Sung Bard
Night ShadowArcher's GambitSkooma RacketeerTullius' Conscription
Preserver of the RootAssassin's RitualCurseUlfric's Uprising
Pure-Blood ElderScout's ReportEmbassy DisguiseElixir of Conflict
Young MammothSpellsword's SummoningNightprowlerForsworn Guide*
Bleakcoast TrollLucien LachanceSoulrest MarshalClose Call*
Haunting SpiritNight Talon LordVaranis CourierA Night to Remember
Black Worm NecromancerSkeletal DragonHelstrom FootpadDwarven Dynamo*
Wrath of SithisLion Guard StrategistHighland LurcherNamira's Shrine
Whiterun ProtectorStampeding MammothAn-Xileel InvaderEnraged Mudcrab
Barrow StalkerDragon Cult GhostVoracious SprigganDwarven Ballista
Wind Keep SpellswordCorrupted ShadeBaandari BruiserPortcullis
Stalking ShadowscaleHallowed DeathpriestSkooma UnderbossGreybeard Mentor*
Swamp LeviathanFrostbite SpiderMurkwater ButcherGlass Helm of Remedy
Dragontail SaviorArchein Venomtongue*Shadowscale PartisanKnife to the Throat
Wrothgar ArtisanMummifyChaurusGearwork Spider
Dark GuardianArchein EliteRuthless FreebooterAssembled Sentry
Cave BearSpine of EldersbloodMurkwater GuideDormant Centurion
East Empire CrafterMountain TyrantNix-Hound Fabricant*Assembled Conduit
PaarthurnaxMidnight SweepMilitant Chieftain*
OdahviingLurking MummyFalinesti Reaver
Mundus StoneRestless TemplarWarrior's Fury
Siege of Stros M'Kai**Stonetooth ScrapperMage's Trick
Dwarven CenturionEnchanted PlateDoomcrag Vampire
Clockwork DragonHist SpeakerCicero the Betrayer
FabricateAncient Lookout*Black Marsh Warden
Crushing BlowSoul TearEmperor Titus Mede II
Lurking CrocodileGrim Shield-BrotherBlackrose Herbalist
Reflective AutomatonIronscale DragonAngry Grahl
Stonehill Mammoth*Disciple of Namira
GoldbrandNight Predator
MecinarFlesh Atronach
Seht's Masterwork**Frost Troll
Stronghold EradicatorIliac Sorcerer
Heroic RebirthPlea to Kynareth*
Dwarven ArmamentsNorthpoint Captain
Dwarven ColossusLittle Girl
Vicious DreughBruma Armorer
Slaughterfish SpawningEncumbered Explorer
LuteCompanion Harbinger
Treasure MapLay Down Arms
Awakened ImperfectFalkreath Defiler
Ravenous CrocodileDeadly Draugr
Frenzied WitchmanFharun Defender
Gristlehide DreughStormhold Henchman
Midnight SnackCursed Spectre
Mudcrab AnklesnapperDaedric Dagger
Mentor of the Watch
Restoration Tutor
Thornwell Terror
Stalwart Ally*
Hulking Fabricant*
Mistveil Warden*
Assembled Titan
Stronghold Incubator
Illusory Mimic*
Voice of Balance*
Dreugh Shell Armor
Ageless Automaton
Raging Horker
Young Dragonborn
Dragon Aspect
Dark Harvester
Barded Guar
Dwarven Sphere
Merchant's Camel
Ferocious Dreugh
Sparking Spider
Mechanical Ally
Horned Helm
Assembled Sanitizer
Reachman Shaman

S Tier

Elder Scrolls: Legends Solo Arena Tier List
S Tier.

The S rank of the Elder Scrolls Legends Solo Arena Tier List includes all those cards which are considered to be the best to help players in the arena’s toughest battles. These are considered to be insane in their performance so, there is a big chance that these cards would not disappoint you. 

Card Name Rarity Card Attribute
Blood Dragon Legendaries Strength
Reive, Blademaster Legendaries Strength
Vigilant Giant Legendaries Strength
Aela the Huntress Legendaries Strength
Earthbone Spinner Epics Strength
Belligerent Giant Epics Strength
Markarth Bannerman Epics Strength
Unstoppable Rage* Epics Strength
Stampede Sentinel Epics Strength
Burn and Pillage Epics Strength
Triumphant Jarl Rares Strength
Underworld Vigilante Rares Strength
Cast Out Rares Strength
Aela’s Huntmate Rares Strength
Cradlecrush Giant Rares Strength
Morkul Gatekeeper Commons Strength
Savage Ogre Commons Strength
Protector of the Innocent Commons Strength
Steel Scimitar Commons Strength
Fell the Mighty Commons Strength
Battlerage Orc Commons Strength
Circle Initiate Commons Strength
Stormcloak Vanguard Commons Strength
Grappling Hook Commons Strength
Dawnbreaker Legendaries Willpower
Undying Dragon Legendaries Willpower
The Black Dragon Legendaries Willpower
Cloudrest Illusionist Epics Willpower
Divine Fervor Epics Willpower
Mantikora Epics Willpower
Bandit Ringleader Epics Willpower
Dawnstar Healer Epics Willpower
Hive Defender Rares Willpower
Phalanx Exemplar Rares Willpower
Cast Into Time Rares Willpower
Golden Saint Rares Willpower
Bruma Profiteer Rares Willpower
Eastmarch Crusader Rares Willpower
Morthal Executioner Rares Willpower
Thieves Guild Shadowfoot Rares Willpower
Piercing Javelin Commons Willpower
Execute Commons Willpower
Senche-Tiger Commons Willpower
Sanctuary Raid Commons Willpower
Cleric of Kyne Commons Willpower
Clockwork Apostle Commons Willpower
Ancano Legendaries Intelligence
Daggerfall Mage Legendaries Intelligence
Supreme Atromancer Legendaries Intelligence
Laaneth Legendaries Intelligence
Ice Storm Epics Intelligence
Breton Conjurer Epics Intelligence
Heirloom Greatsword Epics Intelligence
Conjuration Tutor Epics Intelligence
Wardcrafter Rares Intelligence
Shrieking Harpy Rares Intelligence
High Rock Summoner Rares Intelligence
Royal Sage Rares Intelligence
Elusive Schemer Rares Intelligence
Riften Pickpocket Rares Intelligence
Lightning Bolt Commons Intelligence
Mystic Dragon Commons Intelligence
Shocking Wamasu Commons Intelligence
Firebolt Commons Intelligence
Cunning Ally* Commons Intelligence
Ungolim the Listener Legendaries Agility
Tazkad the Packmaster Legendaries Agility
Leaflurker Epics Agility
Snowy Sabre Cat Epics Agility
Moonlight Werebat Epics Agility
Eclipse Baroness Epics Agility
Murkwater Shaman Epics Agility
Mournhold Traitor Epics Agility
Cliff Racer Rares Agility
Shearpoint Dragon Rares Agility
Deshaan Avenger Rares Agility
Murkwater Witch Rares Agility
Blacksap Protector Rares Agility
Eldergleam Matron Rares Agility
Fighters Guild Recruit Commons Agility
Brotherhood Slayer Commons Agility
Daring Cutpurse Commons Agility
Thieves Guild Recruit Commons Agility
Sanctuary Pet Commons Agility
Clockwork Scorpion Commons Agility
High King Emeric Legendaries Class-Specific
Allena Benoch Legendaries Class-Specific
Ahnassi Legendaries Class-Specific
Red Bramman Legendaries Class-Specific
Ayrenn Legendaries Class-Specific
Queen Barenziah Legendaries Class-Specific
Edict of Azura Epics Class-Specific
Thorn Histmage Epics Class-Specific
Sower of Revenge Epics Class-Specific
Sentinel Battlemace Epics Class-Specific
Rift Thane Epics Class-Specific
Shornhelm Champion Epics Class-Specific
Ulfric’s Housecarl Epics Class-Specific
Emperor’s Blade Epics Class-Specific
Sorcerer’s Negation Rares Class-Specific
Crusader’s Assault Rares Class-Specific
Monk’s Strike Rares Class-Specific
Nahagliiv Legendaries Endurance
Bone Colossus Legendaries Endurance
Blood Magic Lord Legendaries Endurance
Frost Giant Legendaries Endurance
Galyn the Shelterer Legendaries Endurance
Shadowfen Priest Epics Endurance
Night Shadow Epics Endurance
Preserver of the Root Epics Endurance
Pure-Blood Elder Epics Endurance
Young Mammoth Rares Endurance
Bleakcoast Troll Rares Endurance
Haunting Spirit Rares Endurance
Black Worm Necromancer Rares Endurance
Wrath of Sithis Rares Endurance
Whiterun Protector Rares Endurance
Barrow Stalker Rares Endurance
Wind Keep Spellsword Commons Endurance
Stalking Shadowscale Commons Endurance
Swamp Leviathan Commons Endurance
Dragontail Savior Commons Endurance
Wrothgar Artisan Commons Endurance
Dark Guardian Commons Endurance
Cave Bear Commons Endurance
East Empire Crafter Commons Endurance
Paarthurnax Legendaries Neutral
Odahviing Legendaries Neutral
Mundus Stone Legendaries Neutral
Siege of Stros M’Kai** Legendaries Neutral
Dwarven Centurion Epics Neutral
Clockwork Dragon Epics Neutral
Fabricate Rares Neutral
Crushing Blow Commons Neutral
Lurking Crocodile Commons Neutral
Reflective Automaton Commons Neutral

A Tier

Elder Scrolls: Legends Solo Arena Tier List
A Tier.

The current rank contains those cards which are to be overall balanced in the solo arena battles of Elder Scrolls: Legends. These cards should be definitely in your deck to give a tough time to enemies as they are still a great second choice. Due to the overall balanced performance of these cards, we have ranked them in the A Tier. 

Similar Article:Hearthstone Battlegrounds Tier List [V.25.6 ]

Card Name Rarity Card Attribute
Garang, Dark Adherent Legendaries Strength
Volendrung Legendaries Strength
Wildfire Dragon Legendaries Strength
Aldora the Daring Legendaries Strength
Grahtwood Ambusher Epics Strength
Fearless Northlander Epics Strength
Withered Hand Cultist Epics Strength
Child of Hircine Epics Strength
Lumbering Ogrim Epics Strength
Ancestor’s Battleaxe Epics Strength
Dushnik-Yal Archer Epics Strength
Orc Clan Shaman Rares Strength
Skeever Infestation Rares Strength
Orc Clan Captain Rares Strength
Orcish Warhammer Rares Strength
Candlehearth Brawler Rares Strength
Battlefield Scrounger Rares Strength
Mighty Ally* Commons Strength
Rapid Shot Commons Strength
Graystone Ravager Commons Strength
Stone Throw Commons Strength
Skaven Pyromancer Commons Strength
Sharpshooter Scout Commons Strength
Swiftwing Dragon Commons Strength
Berserker of the Pale Commons Strength
Shield Breaker Commons Strength
Ulfric’s Zealot Commons Strength
Haafingar Marauder Legendaries Willpower
Miraak, Dragonborn Legendaries Willpower
Dawn’s Wrath Legendaries Willpower
Lydia Legendaries Willpower
Spiteful Dremora Epics Willpower
Loyal Housecarl Epics Willpower
Pit Lion Epics Willpower
Pillaging Tribune Epics Willpower
Fifth Legion Trainer Rares Willpower
Imperial Reinforcements* Rares Willpower
Penitus Oculatus Agent Rares Willpower
Grisly Gourmet Rares Willpower
Devour Rares Willpower
Karthspire Scourge Rares Willpower
Scouting Patrol Commons Willpower
Resolute Ally* Commons Willpower
Auridon Paladin Commons Willpower
Imperial Legionnaire Commons Willpower
Knight of the Hour Commons Willpower
Solitude Stalwart Commons Willpower
Kvatch Soldier Commons Willpower
Cliffside Lookout* Commons Willpower
Winterhold Illusionist Commons Willpower
Riften Lawkeeper Commons Willpower
Mentor’s Ring Legendaries Intelligence
Indoril Archmage Legendaries Intelligence
Bringer of Nightmares Legendaries Intelligence
Wispmother Epics Intelligence
Keeper of Whispers Epics Intelligence
Blood Sorceress Epics Intelligence
Thief of Dreams Epics Intelligence
Skilled Blacksmith Rares Intelligence
Mace of Encumbrance Rares Intelligence
Telvanni Arcanist Rares Intelligence
Ash Servant Rares Intelligence
Fate Weaver Rares Intelligence
Dres Renegade Rares Intelligence
Corsair Ship* Rares Intelligence
Spear of Embers Rares Intelligence
Icewing Dragon Rares Intelligence
Doppelganger Rares Intelligence
Crown Quartermaster Commons Intelligence
Tome of Alteration Commons Intelligence
Camlorn Hero Commons Intelligence
Camlorn Sentinel Commons Intelligence
Dunmer Nightblade Commons Intelligence
Conjuration Scholar Commons Intelligence
Reverberating Strike Commons Intelligence
Quin’rawl Burglar Legendaries Agility
Astrid Legendaries Agility
Brynjolf Legendaries Agility
Sails-Through-Storms Legendaries Agility
Pahmar-raht Renegade Epics Agility
Wild Beastcaller Epics Agility
House Kinsman Epics Agility
Giant Snake Epics Agility
Deepwood Trapper Epics Agility
Shadowmaster Epics Agility
Territorial Viper Rares Agility
Feasting Vulture Rares Agility
Green Pact Stalker Rares Agility
Malefic Wreath Rares Agility
Dune Smuggler Rares Agility
Dune Stalker Rares Agility
Back-Alley Rogue Rares Agility
Sly Marshblade Rares Agility
Finish Off Commons Agility
Shadow Shift Commons Agility
Nimble Ally* Commons Agility
Chaurus Reaper Commons Agility
Giant Bat Commons Agility
Gloomlurker Commons Agility
Woodland Lookout Commons Agility
Gortwog gro-Nagorm Legendaries Class-Specific
Tyr Legendaries Class-Specific
Merric-at-Aswala* Legendaries Class-Specific
General Tullius Legendaries Class-Specific
Skywatch Vindicator Epics Class-Specific
Sadras Agent Epics Class-Specific
Master of Thieves* Epics Class-Specific
Battlemage’s Onslaught Rares Class-Specific
Archer’s Gambit Rares Class-Specific
Assassin’s Ritual Rares Class-Specific
Scout’s Report Rares Class-Specific
Spellsword’s Summoning Rares Class-Specific
Lucien Lachance Legendaries Endurance
Night Talon Lord Legendaries Endurance
Skeletal Dragon Legendaries Endurance
Lion Guard Strategist Epics Endurance
Stampeding Mammoth Epics Endurance
Dragon Cult Ghost Epics Endurance
Corrupted Shade Epics Endurance
Hallowed Deathpriest Epics Endurance
Frostbite Spider Rares Endurance
Archein Venomtongue* Rares Endurance
Mummify Rares Endurance
Archein Elite Rares Endurance
Spine of Eldersblood Rares Endurance
Mountain Tyrant Rares Endurance
Midnight Sweep Rares Endurance
Lurking Mummy Commons Endurance
Restless Templar Commons Endurance
Stonetooth Scrapper Commons Endurance
Enchanted Plate Commons Endurance
Hist Speaker Commons Endurance
Ancient Lookout* Commons Endurance
Soul Tear Commons Endurance
Grim Shield-Brother Commons Endurance
Ironscale Dragon Commons Endurance
Stonehill Mammoth* Commons Endurance
Goldbrand Legendaries Neutral
Barbas Legendaries Neutral
Mecinar Legendaries Neutral
Seht’s Masterwork** Legendaries Neutral
Stronghold Eradicator Epics Neutral
Heroic Rebirth Epics Neutral
Dwarven Armaments Epics Neutral
Dwarven Colossus Epics Neutral
Vicious Dreugh Rares Neutral
Slaughterfish Spawning Rares Neutral
Lute Rares Neutral
Treasure Map Rares Neutral
Awakened Imperfect Rares Neutral
Ravenous Crocodile Commons Neutral
Frenzied Witchman Commons Neutral
Gristlehide Dreugh Commons Neutral
Midnight Snack Commons Neutral
Mudcrab Anklesnapper Commons Neutral

B Tier

Above Average cards in this tier
B Tier.

The B Tier includes all those solo arena cards which are considered to be above average in terms of their performance in battles. These cards are not as good performing as S and A tier cards, but with the right conditions, they can still perform very well in battles. These should also be added by players in their solo arena decks as they can be supporting the high-tiered cards. The following are included in B Tier of the Elder Scrolls Legends Solo Arena Tier List.

Card Name Rarity Card Attribute
Skyforge Legendaries Strength
Relentless Raider Legendaries Strength
Ulfric Stormcloak Legendaries Strength
Wood Orc Headhunter Legendaries Strength
Mage Slayer Epics Strength
Alik’r Survivalist* Epics Strength
Plunder* Epics Strength
Wrothgar Forge Epics Strength
Blighted Alit Epics Strength
Stormcloak Avenger Epics Strength
Duel Atop the World Epics Strength
Stoneshard Orc* Rares Strength
Afflicted Alit Rares Strength
Covenant Marauder Rares Strength
Rampaging Minotaur Rares Strength
Assassin’s Bow Rares Strength
Silvernar Tracker Rares Strength
Raiding Party Rares Strength
Skirmisher’s Elixir Rares Strength
Inspiring Stormcloak Rares Strength
Skyborn Dragon Rares Strength
Ratway Prospector Rares Strength
Rihad Battlemage* Commons Strength
Rihad Horseman* Commons Strength
Riften Pillager Commons Strength
Heavy Battleaxe Commons Strength
Valenwood Huntsman Commons Strength
Blades Lookout* Commons Strength
Quicksilver Crossbow Commons Strength
Bangkorai Butcher* Commons Strength
Relic Hunter Commons Strength
Renowned Legate Legendaries Willpower
Auroran Sentry Legendaries Willpower
Descendant of Alkosh Legendaries Willpower
Jarl Balgruuf Legendaries Willpower
Legate Rikke Legendaries Willpower
The Mechanical Heart Legendaries Willpower
Helgen Squad Leader* Epics Willpower
Ravenous Hunger Epics Willpower
Immolating Blast Epics Willpower
Tower Alchemist* Epics Willpower
Cauldron Keeper* Epics Willpower
Wolf Cage Epics Willpower
Praetorian Commander Epics Willpower
Arrow Storm Rares Willpower
Hive Warrior Rares Willpower
Imperial Siege Engine Rares Willpower
Riverhold Escort Rares Willpower
Blood Pact Messenger Rares Willpower
Arrest Rares Willpower
Snow Wolf Rares Willpower
Shivering Apothecary Rares Willpower
Mecinar’s Will Rares Willpower
Summerset Shieldmage Commons Willpower
Priest of the Moons Commons Willpower
Pack Wolf Commons Willpower
Legion Praefect* Commons Willpower
Rajhini Highwayman Commons Willpower
Cheydinhal Sapper Commons Willpower
Tusked Bristleback Commons Willpower
Priest of the Eight* Commons Willpower
Revered Guardian Commons Willpower
Ruin Archaeologist Commons Willpower
Snowhawk Detatchment Commons Willpower
Call of Valor Commons Willpower
Nahkriin, Dragon Priest Legendaries Intelligence
Divayth Fyr Legendaries Intelligence
J’Zargo Legendaries Intelligence
Winter’s Grasp Epics Intelligence
Balmora Spymaster Epics Intelligence
Master of Arms* Epics Intelligence
Shimmerene Peddler Epics Intelligence
Desperate Conjuring Epics Intelligence
Dark Rift Epics Intelligence
Memory Wraith Epics Intelligence
Dres Tormentor* Rares Intelligence
Baron of Tear Rares Intelligence
Elixir of Deflection Rares Intelligence
Glenumbra Sorceress Rares Intelligence
Fire Storm Rares Intelligence
Evermore Steward Rares Intelligence
Revealing the Unseen Rares Intelligence
Insightful Scholar Rares Intelligence
Throne Aligned Rares Intelligence
Brutal Ashlander Commons Intelligence
Abecean Navigator Commons Intelligence
Lillandril Hexmage* Commons Intelligence
Redoran Enforcer Commons Intelligence
Soul Split Commons Intelligence
Ice Spike Commons Intelligence
Lesser Ward Commons Intelligence
Ghost Sea Lookout* Commons Intelligence
Vigilant of Stendarr Commons Intelligence
Farsight Nereid Commons Intelligence
Scroll Seeker Commons Intelligence
Shalk Fabricant* Commons Intelligence
Necrom Mastermind* Legendaries Agility
Thieves’ Den Legendaries Agility
Thieves Guild Fence Legendaries Agility
Serpentine Stalker Legendaries Agility
Murkwater Skirmisher* Epics Agility
Tenmar Swiftclaw Epics Agility
Smuggler’s Hall Epics Agility
Elder Centaur Epics Agility
Chaurus Breeding Pit Epics Agility
Cog Collector Epics Agility
Murkwater Savage Rares Agility
Ransack Rares Agility
Skooma Racketeer Rares Agility
Curse Rares Agility
Embassy Disguise Rares Agility
Nightprowler Rares Agility
Soulrest Marshal Rares Agility
Varanis Courier Commons Agility
Helstrom Footpad Commons Agility
Highland Lurcher Commons Agility
An-Xileel Invader Commons Agility
Voracious Spriggan Commons Agility
Baandari Bruiser Commons Agility
Skooma Underboss Commons Agility
Murkwater Butcher Commons Agility
Shadowscale Partisan Commons Agility
Chaurus Commons Agility
Ruthless Freebooter Commons Agility
Murkwater Guide Commons Agility
Nix-Hound Fabricant* Commons Agility
Militant Chieftain* Epics Class-Specific
Falinesti Reaver Epics Class-Specific
Warrior’s Fury Rares Class-Specific
Mage’s Trick Rares Class-Specific
Doomcrag Vampire Legendaries Endurance
Cicero the Betrayer Legendaries Endurance
Black Marsh Warden Legendaries Endurance
Emperor Titus Mede II Legendaries Endurance
Blackrose Herbalist Epics Endurance
Angry Grahl Epics Endurance
Disciple of Namira Epics Endurance
Night Predator Epics Endurance
Gravesinger Epics Endurance
Flesh Atronach Epics Endurance
Frost Troll Epics Endurance
Iliac Sorcerer Epics Endurance
Plea to Kynareth* Rares Endurance
Northpoint Captain Rares Endurance
Little Girl Rares Endurance
Bruma Armorer Rares Endurance
Encumbered Explorer Rares Endurance
Companion Harbinger Rares Endurance
Lay Down Arms Rares Endurance
Falkreath Defiler Rares Endurance
Deadly Draugr Commons Endurance
Fharun Defender Commons Endurance
Stormhold Henchman Commons Endurance
Cursed Spectre Commons Endurance
Daedric Dagger Commons Endurance
Mentor of the Watch Commons Endurance
Restoration Tutor Commons Endurance
Thornwell Terror Commons Endurance
Stalwart Ally* Commons Endurance
Hulking Fabricant* Commons Endurance
Weakness Commons Endurance
Mistveil Warden* Commons Endurance
Wabbajack Legendaries Neutral
Shadowmere Legendaries Neutral
Assembled Titan Legendaries Neutral
Stronghold Incubator Epics Neutral
Illusory Mimic* Epics Neutral
Voice of Balance* Epics Neutral
Dreugh Shell Armor Rares Neutral
Ageless Automaton Rares Neutral
Raging Horker Rares Neutral
Young Dragonborn Rares Neutral
Dragon Aspect Rares Neutral
Dark Harvester Commons Neutral
Barded Guar Commons Neutral
Dwarven Sphere Commons Neutral
Merchant’s Camel Commons Neutral
Ferocious Dreugh Commons Neutral
Sparking Spider Commons Neutral
Mechanical Ally Commons Neutral
Horned Helm Commons Neutral
Assembled Sanitizer Commons Neutral
Reachman Shaman Commons Neutral

C Tier

Average cards of C tier in in Solo Arena
C Tier.

The C rank includes all those characters who in the solo arena are considered to be average. This is due to their average performance and not being as strong as the high-tiered cards. These cards should be used by the players only when needed and if they do not have any high-tiered cards in their decks. 

Consider Reading: Hearthstone Deck Tier List [25.6.2]

Card Name Rarity Card Attribute
Dremora Markynaz Legendaries Strength
World-Eater’s Eyrie Legendaries Strength
Gladiator Arena* Epics Strength
Dread Clannfear Epics Strength
Trebuchet Epics Strength
Whirling Duelist* Epics Strength
Hunter-Killers Epics Strength
Fiery Imp Rares Strength
Improvised Weapon* Rares Strength
Northwind Outpost* Rares Strength
Bog Lurcher Rares Strength
Bone Bow Rares Strength
Fireball Rares Strength
Trial of Flame Rares Strength
A Land Divided Legendaries Willpower
Blackmail Epics Willpower
Artaeum Savant* Epics Willpower
Dagi-raht Mystic* Epics Willpower
Hero of Anvil Epics Willpower
Imperial Might Epics Willpower
Elsweyr Lookout Epics Willpower
Reconstruction Engine Epics Willpower
Imprison* Rares Willpower
Aldmeri Patriot Rares Willpower
Two-Moons Contemplation Rares Willpower
Imperial Camp Rares Willpower
War Cry Rares Willpower
Legion Shield Rares Willpower
Calm Commons Willpower
Sunhold Medic Commons Willpower
Cathay-raht Veteran Commons Willpower
Marked Man Commons Willpower
Thalmor Justiciar Commons Willpower
Staff of Sparks Legendaries Intelligence
College of Winterhold Legendaries Intelligence
Echo of Akatosh Legendaries Intelligence
Wisdom of Ancients Epics Intelligence
Ice Wraith Epics Intelligence
Brilliant Experiment Epics Intelligence
Dragonstar Rider* Epics Intelligence
Moment of Clarity Epics Intelligence
Battlereeve of Dusk Epics Intelligence
Dragon Priest Mask Epics Intelligence
Cruel Firebloom Rares Intelligence
Gardener of Swords* Rares Intelligence
Master Swordsmith* Rares Intelligence
Excavate* Rares Intelligence
Daggers in the Dark Commons Intelligence
Crystal Tower Crafter* Commons Intelligence
Steel Sword Commons Intelligence
Palace Conspirator Commons Intelligence
Court Wizard* Commons Intelligence
Dark Rebirth* Commons Intelligence
Fire Breath Commons Intelligence
Dragon’s Fury* Commons Intelligence
Mistveil Enchanter Commons Intelligence
Arcanaeum Librarian Commons Intelligence
Nest of Vipers Legendaries Agility
Spider Daedra Legendaries Agility
Swims-at-Night Legendaries Agility
Green-Touched Spriggan Epics Agility
Arenthia Swindler Epics Agility
Hidden Trail Epics Agility
Camoran Scout Leader Epics Agility
Torval Crook Epics Agility
Shadowgreen Elder* Epics Agility
Snake Tooth Necklace Rares Agility
Goblin Skulk* Rares Agility
Swift Strike Rares Agility
Grand Ball Rares Agility
Daring Heist Rares Agility
Murkwater Goblin Commons Agility
Mounrhold Guardian Commons Agility
Greenheart Knight Commons Agility
Thievery Commons Agility
Drain Vitality Commons Agility
Palace Prowler Commons Agility
Caravan Enforcer* Commons Agility
Sightless Skulk* Commons Agility
Dovah of the Voice Commons Agility
Iron Atronach Legendaries Endurance
Innkeeper Delphine* Legendaries Endurance
Siege Catapult Epics Endurance
Wrothgar Kingpin* Epics Endurance
Grim Champion Epics Endurance
Hackwing Feather Epics Endurance
Hist Grove Epics Endurance
Waves of the Fallen Epics Endurance
Suppress Rares Endurance
Gloom Wraith* Rares Endurance
Watch Commander* Rares Endurance
Ring of Imaginary Might* Rares Endurance
Yew Shield Rares Endurance
Steelheart Vanquisher Rares Endurance
Brassilisk Rares Endurance
Lowland Troll Rares Endurance
Tree Minder Commons Endurance
Oldgate Warden Commons Endurance
Dragonplate Armor Commons Endurance
Healing Hands Commons Endurance
Deathless Draugr Commons Endurance
Orb of Vaermina Legendaries Neutral
Journey to Sovngarde Legendaries Neutral
Dragon Mound Legendaries Neutral
Halls of the Dwemer* Epics Neutral
Forsaken Champion* Epics Neutral
Flesh Sculpture Epics Neutral
Star-Sung Bard Epics Neutral
Tullius’ Conscription Epics Neutral
Ulfric’s Uprising Epics Neutral
Elixir of Conflict Rares Neutral
Forsworn Guide* Rares Neutral
Close Call* Rares Neutral
A Night to Remember Rares Neutral
Dwarven Dynamo* Rares Neutral
Namira’s Shrine Rares Neutral
Enraged Mudcrab Commons Neutral
Dwarven Ballista Commons Neutral
Portcullis Commons Neutral
Greybeard Mentor* Commons Neutral
Glass Helm of Remedy Commons Neutral
Knife to the Throat Commons Neutral
Gearwork Spider Commons Neutral
Assembled Sentry Commons Neutral
Dormant Centurion Commons Neutral
Assembled Conduit Commons Neutral

D Tier

D Tier Worst Cards in Solo Arena
D Tier.

Finally, the last tier of our Elder Scrolls Legends Solo Arena Tier List ranks all those cards that are truly weak. These cards should be avoided by players at any cost and should never be included in the battling deck of solo arena mode. The reason why these cards should be avoided is that they have low stats and are terrible performers.

Card Name Rarity Card Attribute
Hit and Run Epics Strength
Intimidate* Rares Strength
Stormcloak Camp Rares Strength
Nord Firebrand Commons Strength
Alpha Wolf Epics Willpower
Elixir of the Defender Rares Willpower
Septim Guardsman Rares Willpower
Chanter of Akatosh Rares Willpower
Healing Potion Commons Willpower
Elixir of Vitality Commons Willpower
Speaker Terenus Legendaries Intelligence
Mage’s Guild Retreat Epics Intelligence
Studium Headmaster Epics Intelligence
Summerset Orrery Epics Intelligence
Arcane Enchanter* Epics Intelligence
Thalmor Embassy Epics Intelligence
Craglorn Scavenger* Rares Intelligence
Studious Greybeard Rares Intelligence
Niben Bay Cutthroat Commons Intelligence
Stealer of Secrets Commons Intelligence
Embassy Guard Commons Intelligence
Ring of Namira* Legendaries Agility
Leafwater Blessing Epics Agility
Spider Lair Epics Agility
Barter Epics Agility
Swindler’s Market Rares Agility
Elixir of Light Feet Rares Agility
Brotherhood Sanctuary* Rares Agility
Move in Shadows Rares Agility
Lockpick Rares Agility
Arrow in the Knee Commons Agility
Paralyze Commons Agility
High Hrothgar Legendaries Endurance
Necromancer’s Amulet Epics Endurance
Imprisoned Deathlord Epics Endurance
Elixir of Vigor Rares Endurance
Chieftain’s Banner* Rares Endurance
Imperial Armor Commons Endurance
Altar of Despair Legendaries Neutral
The Night Mother Legendaries Neutral
Alduin* Legendaries Neutral
Forsworn Looter* Epics Neutral
Prized Chicken Epics Neutral
Brass Arquebus Epics Neutral
Skeevaton Rares Neutral
Abandoned Imperfect Rares Neutral
Dwarven Spider Commons Neutral
Maple Shield Commons Neutral
Spider Worker Commons Neutral
Blackreach Rebuilder Commons Neutral
Word Wall Commons Neutral

Comparison Table

NameTierCard AttributeRarity
Blood DragonSStrengthLegendaries
Reive, BlademasterSStrengthLegendaries
Vigilant GiantSStrengthLegendaries
Aela the HuntressSStrengthLegendaries
Earthbone SpinnerSStrengthEpics
Belligerent GiantSStrengthEpics
Markarth BannermanSStrengthEpics
Unstoppable Rage*SStrengthEpics
Stampede SentinelSStrengthEpics
Burn and PillageSStrengthEpics
Triumphant JarlSStrengthRares
Underworld VigilanteSStrengthRares
Cast OutSStrengthRares
Aela’s HuntmateSStrengthRares
Cradlecrush GiantSStrengthRares
Morkul GatekeeperSStrengthCommons
Savage OgreSStrengthCommons
Protector of the InnocentSStrengthCommons
Steel ScimitarSStrengthCommons
Fell the MightySStrengthCommons
Battlerage OrcSStrengthCommons
Circle InitiateSStrengthCommons
Stormcloak VanguardSStrengthCommons
Grappling HookSStrengthCommons
Undying DragonSWillpowerLegendaries
The Black DragonSWillpowerLegendaries
Cloudrest IllusionistSWillpowerEpics
Divine FervorSWillpowerEpics
Bandit RingleaderSWillpowerEpics
Dawnstar HealerSWillpowerEpics
Hive DefenderSWillpowerRares
Phalanx ExemplarSWillpowerRares
Cast Into TimeSWillpowerRares
Golden SaintSWillpowerRares
Bruma ProfiteerSWillpowerRares
Eastmarch CrusaderSWillpowerRares
Morthal ExecutionerSWillpowerRares
Thieves Guild ShadowfootSWillpowerRares
Piercing JavelinSWillpowerCommons
Sanctuary RaidSWillpowerCommons
Cleric of KyneSWillpowerCommons
Clockwork ApostleSWillpowerCommons
Daggerfall MageSIntelligenceLegendaries
Supreme AtromancerSIntelligenceLegendaries
Ice StormSIntelligenceEpics
Breton ConjurerSIntelligenceEpics
Heirloom GreatswordSIntelligenceEpics
Conjuration TutorSIntelligenceEpics
Shrieking HarpySIntelligenceRares
High Rock SummonerSIntelligenceRares
Royal SageSIntelligenceRares
Elusive SchemerSIntelligenceRares
Riften PickpocketSIntelligenceRares
Lightning BoltSIntelligenceCommons
Mystic DragonSIntelligenceCommons
Shocking WamasuSIntelligenceCommons
Cunning Ally*SIntelligenceCommons
Ungolim the ListenerSAgilityLegendaries
Tazkad the PackmasterSAgilityLegendaries
Snowy Sabre CatSAgilityEpics
Moonlight WerebatSAgilityEpics
Eclipse BaronessSAgilityEpics
Murkwater ShamanSAgilityEpics
Mournhold TraitorSAgilityEpics
Cliff RacerSAgilityRares
Shearpoint DragonSAgilityRares
Deshaan AvengerSAgilityRares
Murkwater WitchSAgilityRares
Blacksap ProtectorSAgilityRares
Eldergleam MatronSAgilityRares
Fighters Guild RecruitSAgilityCommons
Brotherhood SlayerSAgilityCommons
Daring CutpurseSAgilityCommons
Thieves Guild RecruitSAgilityCommons
Sanctuary PetSAgilityCommons
Clockwork ScorpionSAgilityCommons
High King EmericSClass-SpecificLegendaries
Allena BenochSClass-SpecificLegendaries
Red BrammanSClass-SpecificLegendaries
Queen BarenziahSClass-SpecificLegendaries
Edict of AzuraSClass-SpecificEpics
Thorn HistmageSClass-SpecificEpics
Sower of RevengeSClass-SpecificEpics
Sentinel BattlemaceSClass-SpecificEpics
Rift ThaneSClass-SpecificEpics
Shornhelm ChampionSClass-SpecificEpics
Ulfric’s HousecarlSClass-SpecificEpics
Emperor’s BladeSClass-SpecificEpics
Sorcerer’s NegationSClass-SpecificRares
Crusader’s AssaultSClass-SpecificRares
Monk’s StrikeSClass-SpecificRares
Bone ColossusSEnduranceLegendaries
Blood Magic LordSEnduranceLegendaries
Frost GiantSEnduranceLegendaries
Galyn the SheltererSEnduranceLegendaries
Shadowfen PriestSEnduranceEpics
Night ShadowSEnduranceEpics
Preserver of the RootSEnduranceEpics
Pure-Blood ElderSEnduranceEpics
Young MammothSEnduranceRares
Bleakcoast TrollSEnduranceRares
Haunting SpiritSEnduranceRares
Black Worm NecromancerSEnduranceRares
Wrath of SithisSEnduranceRares
Whiterun ProtectorSEnduranceRares
Barrow StalkerSEnduranceRares
Wind Keep SpellswordSEnduranceCommons
Stalking ShadowscaleSEnduranceCommons
Swamp LeviathanSEnduranceCommons
Dragontail SaviorSEnduranceCommons
Wrothgar ArtisanSEnduranceCommons
Dark GuardianSEnduranceCommons
Cave BearSEnduranceCommons
East Empire CrafterSEnduranceCommons
Mundus StoneSNeutralLegendaries
Siege of Stros M’Kai**SNeutralLegendaries
Dwarven CenturionSNeutralEpics
Clockwork DragonSNeutralEpics
Crushing BlowSNeutralCommons
Lurking CrocodileSNeutralCommons
Reflective AutomatonSNeutralCommons
Garang, Dark AdherentAStrengthLegendaries
Wildfire DragonAStrengthLegendaries
Aldora the DaringAStrengthLegendaries
Grahtwood AmbusherAStrengthEpics
Fearless NorthlanderAStrengthEpics
Withered Hand CultistAStrengthEpics
Child of HircineAStrengthEpics
Lumbering OgrimAStrengthEpics
Ancestor’s BattleaxeAStrengthEpics
Dushnik-Yal ArcherAStrengthEpics
Orc Clan ShamanAStrengthRares
Skeever InfestationAStrengthRares
Orc Clan CaptainAStrengthRares
Orcish WarhammerAStrengthRares
Candlehearth BrawlerAStrengthRares
Battlefield ScroungerAStrengthRares
Mighty Ally*AStrengthCommons
Rapid ShotAStrengthCommons
Graystone RavagerAStrengthCommons
Stone ThrowAStrengthCommons
Skaven PyromancerAStrengthCommons
Sharpshooter ScoutAStrengthCommons
Swiftwing DragonAStrengthCommons
Berserker of the PaleAStrengthCommons
Shield BreakerAStrengthCommons
Ulfric’s ZealotAStrengthCommons
Haafingar MarauderAWillpowerLegendaries
Miraak, DragonbornAWillpowerLegendaries
Dawn’s WrathAWillpowerLegendaries
Spiteful DremoraAWillpowerEpics
Loyal HousecarlAWillpowerEpics
Pit LionAWillpowerEpics
Pillaging TribuneAWillpowerEpics
Fifth Legion TrainerAWillpowerRares
Imperial Reinforcements*AWillpowerRares
Penitus Oculatus AgentAWillpowerRares
Grisly GourmetAWillpowerRares
Karthspire ScourgeAWillpowerRares
Scouting PatrolAWillpowerCommons
Resolute Ally*AWillpowerCommons
Auridon PaladinAWillpowerCommons
Imperial LegionnaireAWillpowerCommons
Knight of the HourAWillpowerCommons
Solitude StalwartAWillpowerCommons
Kvatch SoldierAWillpowerCommons
Cliffside Lookout*AWillpowerCommons
Winterhold IllusionistAWillpowerCommons
Riften LawkeeperAWillpowerCommons
Mentor’s RingAIntelligenceLegendaries
Indoril ArchmageAIntelligenceLegendaries
Bringer of NightmaresAIntelligenceLegendaries
Keeper of WhispersAIntelligenceEpics
Blood SorceressAIntelligenceEpics
Thief of DreamsAIntelligenceEpics
Skilled BlacksmithAIntelligenceRares
Mace of EncumbranceAIntelligenceRares
Telvanni ArcanistAIntelligenceRares
Ash ServantAIntelligenceRares
Fate WeaverAIntelligenceRares
Dres RenegadeAIntelligenceRares
Corsair Ship*AIntelligenceRares
Spear of EmbersAIntelligenceRares
Icewing DragonAIntelligenceRares
Crown QuartermasterAIntelligenceCommons
Tome of AlterationAIntelligenceCommons
Camlorn HeroAIntelligenceCommons
Camlorn SentinelAIntelligenceCommons
Dunmer NightbladeAIntelligenceCommons
Conjuration ScholarAIntelligenceCommons
Reverberating StrikeAIntelligenceCommons
Quin’rawl BurglarAAgilityLegendaries
Pahmar-raht RenegadeAAgilityEpics
Wild BeastcallerAAgilityEpics
House KinsmanAAgilityEpics
Giant SnakeAAgilityEpics
Deepwood TrapperAAgilityEpics
Territorial ViperAAgilityRares
Feasting VultureAAgilityRares
Green Pact StalkerAAgilityRares
Malefic WreathAAgilityRares
Dune SmugglerAAgilityRares
Dune StalkerAAgilityRares
Back-Alley RogueAAgilityRares
Sly MarshbladeAAgilityRares
Finish OffAAgilityCommons
Shadow ShiftAAgilityCommons
Nimble Ally*AAgilityCommons
Chaurus ReaperAAgilityCommons
Giant BatAAgilityCommons
Woodland LookoutAAgilityCommons
Gortwog gro-NagormAClass-SpecificLegendaries
General TulliusAClass-SpecificLegendaries
Skywatch VindicatorAClass-SpecificEpics
Sadras AgentAClass-SpecificEpics
Master of Thieves*AClass-SpecificEpics
Battlemage’s OnslaughtAClass-SpecificRares
Archer’s GambitAClass-SpecificRares
Assassin’s RitualAClass-SpecificRares
Scout’s ReportAClass-SpecificRares
Spellsword’s SummoningAClass-SpecificRares
Lucien LachanceAEnduranceLegendaries
Night Talon LordAEnduranceLegendaries
Skeletal DragonAEnduranceLegendaries
Lion Guard StrategistAEnduranceEpics
Stampeding MammothAEnduranceEpics
Dragon Cult GhostAEnduranceEpics
Corrupted ShadeAEnduranceEpics
Hallowed DeathpriestAEnduranceEpics
Frostbite SpiderAEnduranceRares
Archein Venomtongue*AEnduranceRares
Archein EliteAEnduranceRares
Spine of EldersbloodAEnduranceRares
Mountain TyrantAEnduranceRares
Midnight SweepAEnduranceRares
Lurking MummyAEnduranceCommons
Restless TemplarAEnduranceCommons
Stonetooth ScrapperAEnduranceCommons
Enchanted PlateAEnduranceCommons
Hist SpeakerAEnduranceCommons
Ancient Lookout*AEnduranceCommons
Soul TearAEnduranceCommons
Grim Shield-BrotherAEnduranceCommons
Ironscale DragonAEnduranceCommons
Stonehill Mammoth*AEnduranceCommons
Seht’s Masterwork**ANeutralLegendaries
Stronghold EradicatorANeutralEpics
Heroic RebirthANeutralEpics
Dwarven ArmamentsANeutralEpics
Dwarven ColossusANeutralEpics
Vicious DreughANeutralRares
Slaughterfish SpawningANeutralRares
Treasure MapANeutralRares
Awakened ImperfectANeutralRares
Ravenous CrocodileANeutralCommons
Frenzied WitchmanANeutralCommons
Gristlehide DreughANeutralCommons
Midnight SnackANeutralCommons
Mudcrab AnklesnapperANeutralCommons
Relentless RaiderBStrengthLegendaries
Ulfric StormcloakBStrengthLegendaries
Wood Orc HeadhunterBStrengthLegendaries
Mage SlayerBStrengthEpics
Alik’r Survivalist*BStrengthEpics
Wrothgar ForgeBStrengthEpics
Blighted AlitBStrengthEpics
Stormcloak AvengerBStrengthEpics
Duel Atop the WorldBStrengthEpics
Stoneshard Orc*BStrengthRares
Afflicted AlitBStrengthRares
Covenant MarauderBStrengthRares
Rampaging MinotaurBStrengthRares
Assassin’s BowBStrengthRares
Silvernar TrackerBStrengthRares
Raiding PartyBStrengthRares
Skirmisher’s ElixirBStrengthRares
Inspiring StormcloakBStrengthRares
Skyborn DragonBStrengthRares
Ratway ProspectorBStrengthRares
Rihad Battlemage*BStrengthCommons
Rihad Horseman*BStrengthCommons
Riften PillagerBStrengthCommons
Heavy BattleaxeBStrengthCommons
Valenwood HuntsmanBStrengthCommons
Blades Lookout*BStrengthCommons
Quicksilver CrossbowBStrengthCommons
Bangkorai Butcher*BStrengthCommons
Relic HunterBStrengthCommons
Renowned LegateBWillpowerLegendaries
Auroran SentryBWillpowerLegendaries
Descendant of AlkoshBWillpowerLegendaries
Jarl BalgruufBWillpowerLegendaries
Legate RikkeBWillpowerLegendaries
The Mechanical HeartBWillpowerLegendaries
Helgen Squad Leader*BWillpowerEpics
Ravenous HungerBWillpowerEpics
Immolating BlastBWillpowerEpics
Tower Alchemist*BWillpowerEpics
Cauldron Keeper*BWillpowerEpics
Wolf CageBWillpowerEpics
Praetorian CommanderBWillpowerEpics
Arrow StormBWillpowerRares
Hive WarriorBWillpowerRares
Imperial Siege EngineBWillpowerRares
Riverhold EscortBWillpowerRares
Blood Pact MessengerBWillpowerRares
Snow WolfBWillpowerRares
Shivering ApothecaryBWillpowerRares
Mecinar’s WillBWillpowerRares
Summerset ShieldmageBWillpowerCommons
Priest of the MoonsBWillpowerCommons
Pack WolfBWillpowerCommons
Legion Praefect*BWillpowerCommons
Rajhini HighwaymanBWillpowerCommons
Cheydinhal SapperBWillpowerCommons
Tusked BristlebackBWillpowerCommons
Priest of the Eight*BWillpowerCommons
Revered GuardianBWillpowerCommons
Ruin ArchaeologistBWillpowerCommons
Snowhawk DetatchmentBWillpowerCommons
Call of ValorBWillpowerCommons
Nahkriin, Dragon PriestBIntelligenceLegendaries
Divayth FyrBIntelligenceLegendaries
Winter’s GraspBIntelligenceEpics
Balmora SpymasterBIntelligenceEpics
Master of Arms*BIntelligenceEpics
Shimmerene PeddlerBIntelligenceEpics
Desperate ConjuringBIntelligenceEpics
Dark RiftBIntelligenceEpics
Memory WraithBIntelligenceEpics
Dres Tormentor*BIntelligenceRares
Baron of TearBIntelligenceRares
Elixir of DeflectionBIntelligenceRares
Glenumbra SorceressBIntelligenceRares
Fire StormBIntelligenceRares
Evermore StewardBIntelligenceRares
Revealing the UnseenBIntelligenceRares
Insightful ScholarBIntelligenceRares
Throne AlignedBIntelligenceRares
Brutal AshlanderBIntelligenceCommons
Abecean NavigatorBIntelligenceCommons
Lillandril Hexmage*BIntelligenceCommons
Redoran EnforcerBIntelligenceCommons
Soul SplitBIntelligenceCommons
Ice SpikeBIntelligenceCommons
Lesser WardBIntelligenceCommons
Ghost Sea Lookout*BIntelligenceCommons
Vigilant of StendarrBIntelligenceCommons
Farsight NereidBIntelligenceCommons
Scroll SeekerBIntelligenceCommons
Shalk Fabricant*BIntelligenceCommons
Necrom Mastermind*BAgilityLegendaries
Thieves’ DenBAgilityLegendaries
Thieves Guild FenceBAgilityLegendaries
Serpentine StalkerBAgilityLegendaries
Murkwater Skirmisher*BAgilityEpics
Tenmar SwiftclawBAgilityEpics
Smuggler’s HallBAgilityEpics
Elder CentaurBAgilityEpics
Chaurus Breeding PitBAgilityEpics
Cog CollectorBAgilityEpics
Murkwater SavageBAgilityRares
Skooma RacketeerBAgilityRares
Embassy DisguiseBAgilityRares
Soulrest MarshalBAgilityRares
Varanis CourierBAgilityCommons
Helstrom FootpadBAgilityCommons
Highland LurcherBAgilityCommons
An-Xileel InvaderBAgilityCommons
Voracious SprigganBAgilityCommons
Baandari BruiserBAgilityCommons
Skooma UnderbossBAgilityCommons
Murkwater ButcherBAgilityCommons
Shadowscale PartisanBAgilityCommons
Ruthless FreebooterBAgilityCommons
Murkwater GuideBAgilityCommons
Nix-Hound Fabricant*BAgilityCommons
Militant Chieftain*BClass-SpecificEpics
Falinesti ReaverBClass-SpecificEpics
Warrior’s FuryBClass-SpecificRares
Mage’s TrickBClass-SpecificRares
Doomcrag VampireBEnduranceLegendaries
Cicero the BetrayerBEnduranceLegendaries
Black Marsh WardenBEnduranceLegendaries
Emperor Titus Mede IIBEnduranceLegendaries
Blackrose HerbalistBEnduranceEpics
Angry GrahlBEnduranceEpics
Disciple of NamiraBEnduranceEpics
Night PredatorBEnduranceEpics
Flesh AtronachBEnduranceEpics
Frost TrollBEnduranceEpics
Iliac SorcererBEnduranceEpics
Plea to Kynareth*BEnduranceRares
Northpoint CaptainBEnduranceRares
Little GirlBEnduranceRares
Bruma ArmorerBEnduranceRares
Encumbered ExplorerBEnduranceRares
Companion HarbingerBEnduranceRares
Lay Down ArmsBEnduranceRares
Falkreath DefilerBEnduranceRares
Deadly DraugrBEnduranceCommons
Fharun DefenderBEnduranceCommons
Stormhold HenchmanBEnduranceCommons
Cursed SpectreBEnduranceCommons
Daedric DaggerBEnduranceCommons
Mentor of the WatchBEnduranceCommons
Restoration TutorBEnduranceCommons
Thornwell TerrorBEnduranceCommons
Stalwart Ally*BEnduranceCommons
Hulking Fabricant*BEnduranceCommons
Mistveil Warden*BEnduranceCommons
Assembled TitanBNeutralLegendaries
Stronghold IncubatorBNeutralEpics
Illusory Mimic*BNeutralEpics
Voice of Balance*BNeutralEpics
Dreugh Shell ArmorBNeutralRares
Ageless AutomatonBNeutralRares
Raging HorkerBNeutralRares
Young DragonbornBNeutralRares
Dragon AspectBNeutralRares
Dark HarvesterBNeutralCommons
Barded GuarBNeutralCommons
Dwarven SphereBNeutralCommons
Merchant’s CamelBNeutralCommons
Ferocious DreughBNeutralCommons
Sparking SpiderBNeutralCommons
Mechanical AllyBNeutralCommons
Horned HelmBNeutralCommons
Assembled SanitizerBNeutralCommons
Reachman ShamanBNeutralCommons
Dremora MarkynazCStrengthLegendaries
World-Eater’s EyrieCStrengthLegendaries
Gladiator Arena*CStrengthEpics
Dread ClannfearCStrengthEpics
Whirling Duelist*CStrengthEpics
Fiery ImpCStrengthRares
Improvised Weapon*CStrengthRares
Northwind Outpost*CStrengthRares
Bog LurcherCStrengthRares
Bone BowCStrengthRares
Trial of FlameCStrengthRares
A Land DividedCWillpowerLegendaries
Artaeum Savant*CWillpowerEpics
Dagi-raht Mystic*CWillpowerEpics
Hero of AnvilCWillpowerEpics
Imperial MightCWillpowerEpics
Elsweyr LookoutCWillpowerEpics
Reconstruction EngineCWillpowerEpics
Aldmeri PatriotCWillpowerRares
Two-Moons ContemplationCWillpowerRares
Imperial CampCWillpowerRares
War CryCWillpowerRares
Legion ShieldCWillpowerRares
Sunhold MedicCWillpowerCommons
Cathay-raht VeteranCWillpowerCommons
Marked ManCWillpowerCommons
Thalmor JusticiarCWillpowerCommons
Staff of SparksCIntelligenceLegendaries
College of WinterholdCIntelligenceLegendaries
Echo of AkatoshCIntelligenceLegendaries
Wisdom of AncientsCIntelligenceEpics
Ice WraithCIntelligenceEpics
Brilliant ExperimentCIntelligenceEpics
Dragonstar Rider*CIntelligenceEpics
Moment of ClarityCIntelligenceEpics
Battlereeve of DuskCIntelligenceEpics
Dragon Priest MaskCIntelligenceEpics
Cruel FirebloomCIntelligenceRares
Gardener of Swords*CIntelligenceRares
Master Swordsmith*CIntelligenceRares
Daggers in the DarkCIntelligenceCommons
Crystal Tower Crafter*CIntelligenceCommons
Steel SwordCIntelligenceCommons
Palace ConspiratorCIntelligenceCommons
Court Wizard*CIntelligenceCommons
Dark Rebirth*CIntelligenceCommons
Fire BreathCIntelligenceCommons
Dragon’s Fury*CIntelligenceCommons
Mistveil EnchanterCIntelligenceCommons
Arcanaeum LibrarianCIntelligenceCommons
Nest of VipersCAgilityLegendaries
Spider DaedraCAgilityLegendaries
Green-Touched SprigganCAgilityEpics
Arenthia SwindlerCAgilityEpics
Hidden TrailCAgilityEpics
Camoran Scout LeaderCAgilityEpics
Torval CrookCAgilityEpics
Shadowgreen Elder*CAgilityEpics
Snake Tooth NecklaceCAgilityRares
Goblin Skulk*CAgilityRares
Swift StrikeCAgilityRares
Grand BallCAgilityRares
Daring HeistCAgilityRares
Murkwater GoblinCAgilityCommons
Mounrhold GuardianCAgilityCommons
Greenheart KnightCAgilityCommons
Drain VitalityCAgilityCommons
Palace ProwlerCAgilityCommons
Caravan Enforcer*CAgilityCommons
Sightless Skulk*CAgilityCommons
Dovah of the VoiceCAgilityCommons
Iron AtronachCEnduranceLegendaries
Innkeeper Delphine*CEnduranceLegendaries
Siege CatapultCEnduranceEpics
Wrothgar Kingpin*CEnduranceEpics
Grim ChampionCEnduranceEpics
Hackwing FeatherCEnduranceEpics
Hist GroveCEnduranceEpics
Waves of the FallenCEnduranceEpics
Gloom Wraith*CEnduranceRares
Watch Commander*CEnduranceRares
Ring of Imaginary Might*CEnduranceRares
Yew ShieldCEnduranceRares
Steelheart VanquisherCEnduranceRares
Lowland TrollCEnduranceRares
Tree MinderCEnduranceCommons
Oldgate WardenCEnduranceCommons
Dragonplate ArmorCEnduranceCommons
Healing HandsCEnduranceCommons
Deathless DraugrCEnduranceCommons
Orb of VaerminaCNeutralLegendaries
Journey to SovngardeCNeutralLegendaries
Dragon MoundCNeutralLegendaries
Halls of the Dwemer*CNeutralEpics
Forsaken Champion*CNeutralEpics
Flesh SculptureCNeutralEpics
Star-Sung BardCNeutralEpics
Tullius’ ConscriptionCNeutralEpics
Ulfric’s UprisingCNeutralEpics
Elixir of ConflictCNeutralRares
Forsworn Guide*CNeutralRares
Close Call*CNeutralRares
A Night to RememberCNeutralRares
Dwarven Dynamo*CNeutralRares
Namira’s ShrineCNeutralRares
Enraged MudcrabCNeutralCommons
Dwarven BallistaCNeutralCommons
Greybeard Mentor*CNeutralCommons
Glass Helm of RemedyCNeutralCommons
Knife to the ThroatCNeutralCommons
Gearwork SpiderCNeutralCommons
Assembled SentryCNeutralCommons
Dormant CenturionCNeutralCommons
Assembled ConduitCNeutralCommons
Hit and RunDStrengthEpics
Stormcloak CampDStrengthRares
Nord FirebrandDStrengthCommons
Alpha WolfDWillpowerEpics
Elixir of the DefenderDWillpowerRares
Septim GuardsmanDWillpowerRares
Chanter of AkatoshDWillpowerRares
Healing PotionDWillpowerCommons
Elixir of VitalityDWillpowerCommons
Speaker TerenusDIntelligenceLegendaries
Mage’s Guild RetreatDIntelligenceEpics
Studium HeadmasterDIntelligenceEpics
Summerset OrreryDIntelligenceEpics
Arcane Enchanter*DIntelligenceEpics
Thalmor EmbassyDIntelligenceEpics
Craglorn Scavenger*DIntelligenceRares
Studious GreybeardDIntelligenceRares
Niben Bay CutthroatDIntelligenceCommons
Stealer of SecretsDIntelligenceCommons
Embassy GuardDIntelligenceCommons
Ring of Namira*DAgilityLegendaries
Leafwater BlessingDAgilityEpics
Spider LairDAgilityEpics
Swindler’s MarketDAgilityRares
Elixir of Light FeetDAgilityRares
Brotherhood Sanctuary*DAgilityRares
Move in ShadowsDAgilityRares
Arrow in the KneeDAgilityCommons
High HrothgarDEnduranceLegendaries
Necromancer’s AmuletDEnduranceEpics
Imprisoned DeathlordDEnduranceEpics
Elixir of VigorDEnduranceRares
Chieftain’s Banner*DEnduranceRares
Imperial ArmorDEnduranceCommons
Altar of DespairDNeutralLegendaries
The Night MotherDNeutralLegendaries
Forsworn Looter*DNeutralEpics
Prized ChickenDNeutralEpics
Brass ArquebusDNeutralEpics
Abandoned ImperfectDNeutralRares
Dwarven SpiderDNeutralCommons
Maple ShieldDNeutralCommons
Spider WorkerDNeutralCommons
Blackreach RebuilderDNeutralCommons
Word WallDNeutralCommons

Patch Notes Version 2.15

According to the latest patch notes that relate to cards, the following changes were made to the game.


  • Now includes the Guard keyword.


  • Magicka cost decreased from 7 to 6.

Inspiring Kinsman:

  • Stats changed from 2/4 to 3/4.

Covenant Masterpiece:

  • Magicka cost decreased from 8 to 7.


  • Changed text to deal 3 damage instead of 2.

Pact Shieldbearer:

  • Stats changed from 3/5 to 3/6.

Renowned Instructor:

  • Stats changed from 3/3 to 3/4.


While Multiplayer and Story Mode are all about making the best combos Solo Arena is about reliability as you cannot make the perfect combos. The Solo arena mode can be a good way to earn gold without facing difficult players in the Versus Mode. Do remember to use any given card in any battle and situation.

Our Elder Scrolls Legends Solo Arena Tier List ranks all cards from best to worst so the players can create the best deck for the Arena. The cards ranked higher in this list are not always advisable to choose as other cards can also be correct. So, good luck against Arena.