Wanted Dead Tier List: All Weapons Ranked

In This Article, We Will Be Ranking All Of The Weapons In The Game.

With the release of a brand new action hack-and-slash title, it was natural for us to deliver on our end and bring you this Wanted Dead tier list. The game is quite recent, which is why the rankings may be a little unofficial right now.

However, the weapons we will look at have all been confirmed by the developers and are ranked based on the basis of how well they rank in the community’s opinion. Other than that, they will be ranked based on power, ammo efficiency, and, most importantly, usability.

Key Points

  • There are a total of 7 entries on our list.
  • They will be ranked based on usability, power, and ammo efficiency.
  • The highest-ranked weapons are the Stone’s Rifle and Ripper XR.
  • In the lower ranks, you can find the Flying Pig and Striker.


Before we dive any further into our list, you’ll find a summarized version of all the rankings in the table. 

S RankA RankB Rank
• Stone’s Rifle
• Ripper XR
• Bouncer
• Stone’s Katana
• Taker
• Flying Pig
• Striker

The weapons will be discussed in more detail in the content that follows the table.

S Tier

Wanted Dead Tier List Best Weapons
S Tier.

In the S rank of our Wanted Dead Weapons List, we will look at the best weapons in the game so far. It is important to note that the weapons can be altered, so the ranking here is based on opting for the best possible build available. Furthermore, we will also be accounting for the availability as well as general usability of the weapon. That said, these weapons are extremely powerful and the best possible ones you can go for right now.

Stone’s Rifle

Stone’s Rifle is perhaps the most used weapon in the game solely based on its availability. It deals consistent damage from a pretty decent range. Furthermore, it has two firing types which can allow you to shoot accurately or unleash a whole spray of bullets. However, its most notable part is the many attachments it can be built with, which not only introduces versatility in the weapon but also allows you to match it with your playstyle to do the maximum amount of damage possible.

Ripper XR

The Ripper XR is the most powerful weapon in the game, which can easily one-shot many of the enemies. You’ll have opportunities to use this weapon many times in the campaign. It is probably a good idea to save the Ripper for the bosses as it can shred through them. Its ammo is quite restrictive, which, paired with its rarity in the game, makes it a very valuable resource. Ignoring it should never be decided because of how much damage it deals and how much fun it is.

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A Tier

Good Wanted: Dead Weapons
A Tier.

Here we will focus on the weapons that are still quite powerful but fail to do as well as the S-rank weapons. While these are great, some situations may not favor them completely, which is why they are in a lower rank. However, these weapons are still very powerful, and you can never go wrong with using them in most games.


The first gun that we are going to look at in the A rank is a secondary weapon called the Bouncer. It is a 12 gauge shotgun that absolutely obliterates any close-range enemies. It is one of the best weapons when it comes to taking down hordes of enemies at a relatively close range. However, it does have a long firing time as well as reload time issues which can be annoying to deal with. But, its damage, as well as accessibility easily makes up for the time restrictions and still allows it to be a solid weapon.

Stone’s Katana

The Katana is the default weapon you will have access to when playing with Stone. It is definitely the classiest weapon with no ammo restrictions at all. I think it is an overpowered weapon because of how much damage it can do with no ammo to worry about. Additionally, if you pair Stone’s Katana with the right party skills, you will not even want to switch to other weapons most of the time. It is a pretty close-range weapon which is its one and only restriction which is why Stone’s Katana is not in the higher ranks.

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Taker is a Five Seven firearm with a deadly force of power. Despite being a sidearm, the Taker can easily one-tap enemies if you aim it correctly. However, the reason for it being here is its accessibility, ammo efficiency as well as multiple build ways. Putting all of this into one small gun is a deal too good to pass up. If you are pushed against the wall and don’t feel like using your Katana, Taker is the weapon you opt for.

B Tier

Wanted Dead Tier List Weakest Weapons
B Tier.

The B rank is the last and final rank of our Wanted Dead Tier List. This section will have the worst gun out of all the confirmed guns in Wanted: Dead. However, it is important to note that despite being in the lowest selection of weapons, these weapons are still quite good with the appropriate build. Let’s take a deeper look at them in the section below without spoiling too much here.

Flying Pig

First up on the B rank is the Flying Pig. Similar to the Bouncer, it, too, is a shotgun. However, it is lower in damage as well as a range by a significant amount. Additionally, it is an automatic shotgun which allows for a decent fire rate. Therefore, it trumps the Taker’s one flaw. But it still fails to do nearly enough damage to be placed in any of the higher sections.


Finally, the last weapon on our list is the Striker. The Striker is an AR-15 variant which may come as a surprise to you all because of its placement. That is because the ammo efficiency of the Striker compared to other rifles is abysmal, and it’s the only reason for being in the bottommost rank. It is still a very good weapon to opt for, but when you compare it to the other ones listed here, it quickly falls quite low on the ladder.


With that, we have reached the conclusion of our Wanted Dead Weapons list. The article is definitely subject to change because of how new the game is, but for the most part, these listings are quite comprehensive. However, if there is something you would like to point out or simply feel like leaving a comment, feel free to use the reply section below. Lastly, stay tuned for future lists, and happy hunting.