FOTM Tier List: All Characters Ranked [V13.6]

In The Article We Will Rank All The Characters Relevant To The Current Meta.

The FOTM Tier List is a list that discusses the meta of a respective season or patch of a game. The game we will be discussing is called League of Legends, so if you are a fan of solo queuing, then keeping up with the FOTM of League of Legends is mandatory.

With major meta changes coming in every patch, it’s hard to keep up with the pace, which is why we have made this list. You no longer will have to go through countless champions’ win rates and pick rates and still be confused about whom to play to secure that win.

Key Points

  • The article discusses a total of 91 entries.
  • The ranking of characters is based on their strength and playability during gameplay.
  • The top ranks include characters like Ahri, Yasuo, Viegar, and Zed.
  • Lower Ranks include characters like Ryze, Gangplank, Sylas, and Jayce.


Here is a table with all the characters ranked in their respective tiers.

S RankA RankB RankC RankD Rank
SionJaxDr. MundoIvernAphelios
AatoxMaster YiViTristana
NautilusMiss FortuneSeraphine

Keep on reading to learn more about each entry.

S Tier

S Tier Image
S Tier.

Now when it comes to FOTM League of Legends, the S-tier champs are the ones who are perfect in their roles but also very likely to be nerfed in the near future. This makes meta continuously change so players have more content to experience in-game. 


Ahri is currently one of the most powerful champions in the meta. Once she has farmed up enough, it becomes exponentially to potentially win in a 1v1 against her. The nine-tailed vastaya early game is not that powerful, but she can easily farm up without any great difficulty. She has a win rate of 52% with a pick rate of 14%. She is a pretty uncommon target for bans, as her ban rate is at 18% which is average in this Fotm League of Legends Tier List. A good Ahri build can be found here.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 53
Attack Speed 0.67


Yasuo is an extremely annoying champion if left unchecked. His ban rate sits at 21% and for a reason. His ability to clutch up in situations when he is outnumbered is quite astonishing, and so is his ability to feed enemies. He is not a champ favored in high ELO, but you’ll definitely see a lot of him in low ELO. A good Yasuo build can be found here.

Difficulty High
Damage 60 
Attack Speed 0.70 


Viegar is one of the most challenging champions to master in the game. However,  his high-skill cap is justified because his ability to dominate the map is too good. Among this list, his spot on the  S-Tier is well deserved because of his disruptive kit. Viegar’s damage comes in bursts, which is good to halt an enemy team’s carry while also making room for his team to be aggressive.

Difficulty High
Damage 57
Attack Speed 0.66


As a player who plays mid a lot, Zed is always on my ban list. His early game bully with the late game domination is not to be taken lightly. He has one of the highest ban rates at almost a 30%. Zed, the kind of shadows, can easily win 1v3s or 1v4s if teams do not have good enough coordination. His skull cap is also well deserved of its spot lying with some of the most mechanically complicated champions in the game like Viegar or Yasuo.

Difficulty High
Damage 63
Attack Speed 0.65


Viktor is one of the best champions to have in a team fight. His crowd-control ability is among the best in the game, which is why he is in the S-tier. His early game, however, is pretty bad, which is why his pick rate among low ELO is pretty low.

Difficulty High
Damage 53
Attack Speed 0.66


Akali is one of the hardest champions to counter late game. In the right hands, she can easily carry the entire game for her team. She is not seen a lot in low elo because of her complex and difficult kit. Akali’s kit helps her escape tedious situations with ease most of the time, halting enemy farms and ganks.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 62
Attack Speed 0.63


Garen is one of the best starting champions for beginners, as his kit is pretty easy to use and master. He is a popular pick, but only in certain ranks.  He is not that good in high elo as other top laners dominate him but in the lower elo, the tables are turned in his favor.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 66
Attack Speed 0.63


One of the most powerful tank champions in the game and in this list, Sion is a great champion to master for top lane players. In our current fotm League of Legends, Sion is relatively harder to master than most champions, but not the hardest. His entire kit is based on disrupting enemy movement and can be an absolutely disgusting champion to play against. His most effective build is the full tank one.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 68
Attack Speed 0.68


Fiora is one of the most powerful duelist champions for top laners. Her ability to 1v1 anyone and at the same time negate any form of damage using her ‘W’ ability is especially tilting when you’re playing against her. Fiona’s early game is pretty weak however, once she builds her first item, beating her in a 1v1 is an especially tough task.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 68
Attack Speed 0.69


Darius is not particularly a commonly played champion, however, he is one of the most brutal top laners in the current meta. His ability to dominate his lane is unparalleled. If you over-extend even a little against a good enough Darius, he can potentially take away your relevancy for the entire game by destroying your farm permanently. Darius is an absolute punishment for players who fail to play with proper discipline.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 64
Attack Speed 0.63


Another S-Tier top laner is Gangplank, who is one of the strongest late-game champions in the current meta. His early game is rather weak, but the idea is to play passive and just earn enough coins to build up his items. He is a very disliked agent in low elo because of how easy it is for him to abuse his kit against people without discipline.

Difficulty High
Damage 64
Attack Speed 0.66


Aatrox is the final S-tier top laner we will be discussing.. The champion was originally an F-tier champion and remained at that rank for a very long time. Recent changes, however, have made him considerably more powerful. He avoids class weaknesses and deals an insane amount of damage while also healing. He fits in the Juggernaut class without most of the class drawbacks.

Difficulty High
Damage 60
Attack Speed 0.65


Kayn is one of the most broken agents of this patch. He is definitely one of the best, if not the best jungler in our FOTM list. His kit makes him an unconventional pick for the jungler role. The only thing you have to keep in mind when playing Kayn is the coordination between his utility and forms. Kayn is definitely one of the strongest champions late-game, who also has a pretty nice early game.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 68
Attack Speed 0.69


Viego is one of the best junglers as well as top laners because of his devastating kit. He has the ability to deal a lot of damage and also maintain control in his lane. If he is played as a jungle his ability to shut down the enemy jungler or completely wreck the enemy farm in any lane is a solid reason for why he is on the S-tier. Viego’s win rate has increased to a 49% in this patch because of the recent buffs to his kit.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 57
Attack Speed 0.66


Graves is a very fast-paced and aggressive jungler. If you want to impact the game quickly and end the game swiftly, then Graves is the best champion for you. His kit deals AoE damage, which is very good for clearing out camps in the jungle. With Graves, you need to play pretty aggressively as he becomes weaker as the game progresses.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 68
Attack Speed 0.48


The face of the game and an absolute fan favorite, Jinx, is possibly the best ADC in this list. Her buff soon after Arcane, she grew to be one of the best picks for bot lane carry. The Zaunite with her destructive Aoe kit is definitely a strong pick for fast pushing lanes. Jinx also has the ability to take down turrets very quickly making it super easy to dominate a lane. She has a pick rate of 20% which is very high for ADC carriers.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 59
Attack Speed 0.63


Xayah is one of the best ADCs if you’re looking to win 1v1 fights. She is one of the more difficult champions to play however, her mid to late game is very strong compared to some other ADCs. She has a win rate of 51% which is pretty decent for ADC carry’s. Xayah also has great team fight potential if played correctly as her ultimate can help her avoid enemy target attacks.

Difficulty High
Damage 60
Attack Speed 0.66


Nautilus is a very heavy tank champion. His early game is extremely strong and can help his ADC carry farm kills very early, boosting their farm. Nautilus’s late game is significantly weaker, which is why you need to either halt the enemy’s farm or help feed your ADC as much as you can.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 61
Attack Speed 0.71


Yumi is an exceptional support champion because of her abilities at any stage of the game. She has a pretty decent early game and a devastating late game. Her healing and shielding are incredibly strong at all stages in the game. Her mana usage was nerfed in the recent patches but she still remains an incredible support champion. She is best with ADCs like Jhin who have high damage output.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 49
Attack Speed 0.63


Pyke is an aggressive assassin champion who is best paired with ADCs who can farm in 1v2 situations. His incredible mobility allows him to help out bot lane along with the mid lane. He is one of the most annoying champions to play against in the current meta, as he can quickly destroy your relevance in the game. Pyke also helps his team farm up heaps of gold, which boosts the items of his allies.

Difficulty High
Damage 62
Attack Speed 0.67


Soraka is one of the most overpowered supports in the current meta. She can heal up her entire team in very little time while also having the ability to help her allies across the map with her ultimate. She is relatively easy to learn and an excellent champion to climb the elo with compared to the other champions in the FOTM League of Legends Tier List.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 50
Attack Speed 0.63


The remaining champions will be listed among the A to F tiers as follows but only a few who have notable changes will be discussed. Champions will be listed on the basis of their key performance in this patch.

A Tier

A Tier Image
A Tier.

These champions fall short of the S-tier due to some weaknesses they may possess or simply because they are too difficult to play as effectively as the S-tier champions but still maintain the competitive edge. 


Yone has one of the highest pick and ban rates this season. His kit is extremely good and so is his movement throughout the game. If you see a Yone in the enemy team, your best hope is to not let him build up his items. He has extremely good crowd control and can solo carry the late game (3 items built) by 3-4 hitting the most vulnerable enemy champions.

Difficulty High
Damage 60
Attack Speed 0.63


Katarina is one of the hardest champions to effectively duel if you don’t know her kit pretty well. Her kit is one of the hardest to master compared to other champion’s kits on the list. She is unmatched in her combination of abilities making it extremely hard to predict her moves if she is in the hands of a proper master of her kit. She can potentially one-shot enemies in the late game if allowed to build up her items making her one of the deadliest mid -laners.

Difficulty High
Damage 58
Attack Speed 0.66


Fizz possesses one of the most interesting kits in the game. Her playstyle mainly revolves around misdirection and punishing enemies if they fall for the baits. She is a difficult champion to master for anyone who is new too lol but is only moderately difficult for more seasoned players in the game.

Difficulty High
Damage 58
Attack Speed 0.66


A good Sylas is one of the most annoying things a player might experience in the game. As a Sylas, it’s important for you to max out your ‘w’ so you can potentially take on outnumbered duels and still survive. A key thing for a Sylas player is to decide which ultimate you want to steal. If your early game as Sylas goes well, you will breeze through the late-game stages.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 61
Attack Speed 0.65


Lux is one of the most overpowered lane bullies as it is extremely easy for her to halt her enemies farm at the same time farm up herself. She is one of the beginner champions and possibly the best beginner mid-laner as her kit is very easy to learn and master. The mid-game stage is where you get the chance to shine as Lux and completely ruin the enemy champions’ builds. 

Difficulty Easy
Damage 54
Attack Speed 0.67


Malzahar is one of the most obnoxious mid-laners to be matched up against. His passive spell shield and silencing abilities make him one of the strongest laners in the current meta. He has a very simple kit that is not hard to learn and remains to be one of the best champions to climb the elo with.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 55
Attack Speed 0.63


Sett is one of the most over-powered champions in the current meta. His early game is unmatched in the entire champion pool. The only thing holding him back from S-tier is his weakness to be shut down with no recovery. He can easily win 1v1 early duels against most top laners and farm up relatively fast. He has a very basic and easy kit but one of the most versatile ones making him a great candidate for a main champion.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 60
Attack Speed 0.63


Jax when viewed from a general point of view doesn’t come off as a strong champion, but that is incorrect. The reason why Jax is an A-tier top laner is because of his incredibly low CD kit. He becomes really powerful mid-late game making it impossible to get away from him thanks to his passive skills. Jax can potentially punish unaware top-laners early game by destroying the enemy’s farm.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 68
Attack Speed 0.64


Riven is one of the few champions who can potentially dominate the early game as a top-laner and as a jungler. Her incredible mobility matched with her abilities makes her a suitable champion for effective ganks to punish over-extended enemies in her lane. Riven fails to be in a higher tier as her crowd control ability is very poor compared to other top lane champions.

Difficulty High
Damage 64
Attack Speed 0.63


Mordekaiser is a very powerful champion to master if you’re looking to solo queue in your elo climb. In low elo, he has one of the highest pick rates compared to the other top lane champions in this FOTM Tier List. He is a very versatile champion with multiple ways to build him up, either as a heavy tank or even as a strong damage champion.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 61
Attack Speed 0.63


Teemo is one of the most dangerous champions in the entire champion pool. If allowed to farm up he can take out enemy champions extremely fast. His kit is one of the most annoying kits to deal with as an enemy. Teemo can poison, silence, blind, or even destroy your entire team with his poison mushrooms. Once leveled up enough it is extremely difficult to deal with Teemo as he is one of the fastest champions in the list.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 54
Attack Speed 0.69

Master Yi

Master Yi is one of the most popular champions in the entire champion pool. He is probably the best low elo jungler and that’s why he is at the A-tier instead of the S-tier. His kit allows him to solo carry entire games and help each and every lane. His kit is relatively easy to learn and master. Yi is one of the best champions if you plan on solo queueing out of low elo.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 65
Attack Speed 0.68


Shaco is one of the worst early-game junglers but one of the best late-game junglers. He is a moderately difficult champion to master, but his kit allows him to clear his jungle relatively fast compared to some other junglers. There are better options for a jungler but if you can understand his kit and playstyle he is definitely a great champion to climb the elo with.

Difficulty High
Damage 63
Attack Speed 0.69

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Volibear has been changed a lot recently which ultimately made him one of the best junglers to solo carry with. His kit is extremely powerful and only scales up as the game progresses. He serves as a great gank champion because of his ability to soak up a lot of damage and at the same time increase his attack speed and damage. He has both AoE and single target attacks making him a great champion for farming jungles.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 60
Attack Speed 0.63


Kha’Zix is a great pick for anyone looking to solo carry through entire games. He is a very popular champion in solo queue and in pro play because of his dueling potential and his ability to outplay his enemies constantly.

Difficulty High
Damage 63
Attack Speed 0.67


Diana is one of the stronger junglers in the game. Her movement allows her to be a very strong laner or a jungle. Her rework in 2020 made her a viable A-tier champion because of her ability buff. She adopts the role of an assassin and remains a key component throughout the game thanks to her aggressive playstyle.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 57
Attack Speed 0.63


Jhin is one of the most popular League champions because of his perfect design. Everything about the character screams perfection to the players but unfortunately, his current kit fails to elevate him to S-Tier. His crit damage makes him a very destructive ADC carry especially in the late game.

Difficulty High
Damage 59
Attack Speed 0.63

Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune is among the most popular ADC champions in both high and low elo. She is a very strong lane bully and remains destructive through all stages of the game. Her movement speed remains a nuisance for enemy champions as it is very hard to trade her.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 52
Attack Speed 0.66


Samira is a very weak champion early game but becomes just as deadly as the game progresses. Her kit allows her to deal a lot of damage from long range while also allowing her to match up with enemies within a close range too. She is pretty support dependant so solo queueing with her may not be as successful.

Difficulty High
Damage 57
Attack Speed 0.66


Lucian is one of the few champions in the list who remains strong throughout the game in every stage. He is seen mostly as a counter pick against weak ADCs but still has great solo queue potential among the other ADC carrys.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 60
Attack Speed 0.64


Lux has been discussed as an A-tier Midlaner previously but also qualifies as a great support champion. Her ability to help her ADC farm kills is immense. Not only can she destroy the enemy team’s farm but also has great trade potential if her ADC is outmatched.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 54
Attack Speed 0.67


Lulu is a great support champion because of her constant abilities. She can shield as well as boost her ADC’s stats while also helping in the engagement against enemy champions. She has great crowd control along with immense poke making her a very annoying champion to play against.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 47
Attack Speed 0.63


Blitzcrank is one of the most overpowered supports in the current meta and in the FOTM Tier List. His ability to do burst damage at the early stages of the game is very dangerous for enemy champions. Just one successful grab with his Rocket Grab can completely shift the pace and tempo of the game.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 62
Attack Speed 0.65


Senna fits extremely well in this meta because of her ability to survive duels and shut down trade opportunities. She is a very comfortable pick compared to the other champion in the rank. Her low cooldown heals and her ability to avoid being targeted is also very annoying to deal with.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 50
Attack Speed 0.63

B Tier

Fotm B-Tier
B Tier.

In the B rank, we will be discussing the average champions in the current meta. These champions have alternate better options and are not ideal picks for climbing unless you have a specific build or playstyle in mind for them. 


Qiyana is a relatively weak pick for mid-laners as she is in need of some champion buffs to be viable in the current meta. The only thing protecting her from the C-tier is her early game capability. Her kit allows for a very strong early game aggression to halt any enemy champion farm.

Difficulty High
Damage 66
Attack Speed 0.69


Anivia is a very weak pick in the current meta as many champions can easily counter her. Her mid-game is relatively strong because of her crowd control capability. In the early and late-game stages, Anivia is pretty squishy and easy to defeat in duels.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 51
Attack Speed 0.63


Neeko is a decent mid-lane champion but only against very specific playstyles. Her kit allows her to punish squishy junglers if they gank or to stop over-aggression in her lane. She experienced heavy nerfs which have damaged her viability in the current meta.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 48
Attack Speed 0.63


Ekko is another popular champion thanks to the Arcane fame. He is a very decent pick for mid-lane because of his unique playstyle. He does have the highest pick rate but due to his difficulty, he is a very difficult champion to play in the current meta successfully.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 58
Attack Speed 0.69


Malphite is among the weaker top laners. There are many better options when it comes to the top lane. The reason why Malphite is among the B-Tier of this FOTM League of Legends Rier List is because of his one-trick plays. Malphite only thrives in one rank and that is silver.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 62
Attack Speed 0.74


Kayle pre-buff was a normal C-Tier – D-Tier champion but her recent reworks have placed her among the B-Tier champions as she acts as an excellent counter to some S-tier or A-Tier champions. She has a very high damage output and scales immensely as the game progresses.

Difficulty High
Damage 50
Attack Speed 0.63


Yone is a champion who has been discussed before. Along with being one of the best mid-laners, Yone serves as a pretty decent top laner. Yone’s ability to farm alongside his disruptive play-style is grounds for a decent top laner.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 60
Attack Speed 0.63

Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo is one of the average top laners. Most of his picks are from favorites or from players trying something new. Dr. Mundo is by no means a weak champion. He has great potential to win duels and if allowed to farm, is very tough to stop. He is a good choice against champions that deals heavy magic damage.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 61
Attack Speed 0.67


Irelia is again a very specific pick for the top lane. In many of the low elo players’ opinions, Irelia is a very broken champion but that statement is not true. Irelia has a very good late game if she is allowed to build properly. Irelia is also one of the more difficult champions to use which makes her harder to predict when you’re the enemy.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 65
Attack Speed 0.66


Warick is one of the most commonly picked jungles as he is very easy to smurf within low elo. Warwick has a very strong early game which allows him to disrupt the tempo of the game at the start. He has a relatively easy kit making him a viable jungler for beginners. He may be easy to play but is very hard to master.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 65
Attack Speed 0.64


Ekko is another champion that we have discussed beforeHe is a weaker choice in the current meta but due to his difficulty level, you don’t see him a lot in low elo, especially in this meta. His kit is unique when it comes to the jungle playstyle as he can potentially farm his jungle as well as disrupt the enemy junglers farm by quite a lot.

Difficulty High
Damage 58
Attack Speed 0.69


Vi is also among the champions who experienced the Arcane buff. She is a very decent choice as a jungler in the current meta due to her ganking potential. When played properly she can be a very difficult champion to deal with.

Difficulty  Easy
Damage 63
Attack Speed 0.64


Trundle the frost troll is a very good choice for jungler who love to gank. He is mostly an early-game player but is also a potential candidate for a late-game carry. He is good at having better numbers when it comes to other champions.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 68
Attack Speed 0.60


Evelyn is one of the best assassins in the current meta. Her reason for being in the B-tier is due to her overall score that comes with her statistics. She has a very good kit but is very unforgiving with any mistakes you may make with her. She can potentially lose all her relevance in a game if you make 1-2 mistakes with her in key duels.

Difficulty High
Damage 61
Attack Speed 0.67


Caitlyn is again of the champions that was buffed after Arcane aired. In the current meta, she is a devastating lane bully but has a very weak mid-game. She has the longest ranged attacks in the entire game making her a very safe ADC to play. She relies on staying behind her team and poking the enemies down to low health.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 60
Attack Speed 0.68

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Ashe is one of the most fun champions to start the game with. Her kit is very attractive for beginners and serves as a great ADC champion. She relies heavily on synergy with teammates which is why she is in the lower tiers. If you are a new player looking to learn the game then you definitely can’t go wrong with Ashe.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 59
Attack Speed 0.66


Kai’Sa is one of the more decent ADC picks if you’re looking for a challenging game. Her ability to punish isolated champions is very powerful. She is one of the most flexible champions in this FOTM Tier List. You need to be careful as to how you build her because an incorrect build can be severely punished by the enemies.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 59
Attack Speed 0.64


Seraphine is one the easiest champions to play in the entire game. The beautiful singer has a kit that is straightforward and easy to play. She has great Aoe capability and amazing crowd control. Her kit isn’t as good as some of the other supports which is why she is in this tier.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 55
Attack Speed 0.67


Xerath is a very decent support champion. He has the capability to carry through the entire game. The problem with Xerath is his skill. A skillful Xerath will land all his shots and carry the entire game and a bad one will only hinder his teammates.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 56
Attack Speed 0.63


Thresh is one of the most versatile champions in the game and in the article. This versatility does come at a cost which is that he executes are among the hardest to perform successfully. Thresh is definitely one of the fan favorites making him a very common pick in most situations.

Difficulty Medium 
Damage 56
Attack Speed 0.625


Morgana is one of the most devastating supports because of her CC abilities. Morgana is one of the best champions to execute combos with. The sad part about his champion is that Morgana is one of the most banned champions in the current meta. If you don’t ban lux you will likely ban a Morgana or a Pyke.

Difficulty Easy 
Damage 56
Attack Speed 0.63

C Tier

C Tier.

Playing most of these champions comes down to your playstyle and how risky you want your games to be.


The brand is one of the starting champions in the game. He is best used as a support champion because he barely needs to have any items to do odd amounts of poke damage. Playing him on mid may not be an ideal pick as he will be scaled fairly quickly.

Difficulty Easy 
Damage 57
Attack Speed 0.63


Galio used to be one of the strongest counter picks in the mid-lane but due to recent meta changes, he has lost most of his relevance in terms of team play. He is one of those champions that someone who mains Galio will be able to dominate with but the same cant be said for the other players using him.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 59
Attack Speed 0.63


Swain is a must-pick for his mains as he has a very unique playstyle compared to the other champion in this FOTM Tier List 2023. He has a huge mid-game spike in which he can completely change the tempo of the game but has a relatively weak late game. His early game is decent but only good in very specific situations.

Difficulty Easy 
Damage 58
Attack Speed 0.63


Skarner is mostly a jungle pick but due to his insanely versatile kit. In older patches, he is one of the strongest picks for jungler but in the current meta, there are better and safer options. His ability usage can potentially make him a good top laner but adapting to that role is not something every player can do with this champion.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 65
Attack Speed 0.63


Akali is one of the strongest picks for mid-lanes but is a viable pick for top lane due to her versatile kit. It is definitely not a good idea to play her top unless you know what you’re doing or if you’re simply filling in and don’t know how to play any other top lane viable champions.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 62
Attack Speed 0.63


Gwen is a very good pick for toplane if you’re always gonna be in a 1v1 situation. Her ability to dominate in 1v1 short-range fights is very good which works out most of the time in top lanes. She is in the C-tier simply because of her horrible CC score and because of her ability to be shut down fairly quickly.

Difficulty High
Damage 63
Attack Speed 0.69


Talon’s kit would make him an excellent jungler because of his AoE as well as single-target damaging abilities paired up with his mobility. He doesn’t serve as one of the best junglers because he can be shut down very easily due to him failing to stay healthy most of the time during his farm.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 68
Attack Speed 0.63


Ivern is a relatively weak pick for the jungle role because he is very easy to get rid of and very quickly which destroys his relevance throughout most of the game. His only strength as a jungler is his speed. He can clear his jungle very quickly and move quickly for potential ganks.

Difficulty  High
Damage 50
Attack Speed 0.64


Nunu is only a good jungler pick if you’re not looking for effective ganks but for neutral objectives and halting the enemy junglers farm. He has a good kit for stealing objectives and is very effective at stealing enemy jungle creeps.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 61
Attack Speed 0.63


Ziggs used to be one of the best ADC carriers but in the recent meta, he has taken a quick dive under. There are many safer picks when it comes to ADC carry’s. He is one of the most fun champions to play casually but not an ideal pick for climbing elo.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 54
Attack Speed 0.66

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Zeri was a very powerful champion during her early release but was adjusted quite heavily making her a good pick for casual games but not an ideal choice for climbing elo. She does scale well with AP and that’s why is great in a team with only AD champions.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 53
Attack Speed 0.66


Tristana is one of the best champions for new league players compared to others. She is not a good pick for players in games with more experienced players but still has the potential to make very game-changing plays.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 59
Attack Speed 0.66


Neeko is a very viable champion if used as a support champion however she lacks synergy with many of the commonly picked ADC champions. She is very good at poking enemies but when it comes to synergized plays with her ADC carry.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 48
Attack Speed 0.63


Ashe is one of the best starting champions as discussed before. Using her as support is great for poking enemies however it is very risky. Most supports can take a decent amount of damage which is not the case with Ashe. However, if you want to go for a disruptive aggressive play then Ashe might be the support for you.

Difficulty Easy
Damage 59
Attack Speed 0.66


Vel’Koz is the best champion of its playstyle being ranged artillery. He was originally intended as mid laner but Is still viable for support plays. His versatile kit allows him to deal true damage which maximizes the supports poke ability.

Difficulty High
Damage 55
Attack Speed 0.63

D Tier

D Tier.

The D-tier will contain the worst picks of a specific lane. Of course, you can still play these champions, but chances are, you’re not gonna have a good time.


Ryze is one of the most squishy champions in the mid-lane. He is extremely mana hungry and lacks mobility making him one of the worst mid-lane picks of this season. He does have a nice late-game spike but still is bad compared to some of the other mid-laners.

Difficulty  Medium
Damage 58
Attack Speed 0.63


Gangplank is a very viable top laner but in mid he just fails to shine as brightly as he can. He loses his ability to bull his lane and gain that upper edge at the early stages of the game. His mobility is also a very bad attribute for a mid-laner.

Difficulty High
Damage 64
Attack Speed 0.66


Sylas is very dependant on his early game which contradicts the top laner play style. He can potentially have a very strong mid-game but only if he has a very good early game which he is denied when played in the top lane.

Difficulty Medium
Damage 61
Attack Speed 0.65


Jayce is also one of the champions who benefited from the arcane buff. He is one of the viable choices for top laners but he has an extremely unique playstyle which unfortunately does not perform well in this current meta because he does not have an associated mythic item.

Difficulty High
Damage 54
Attack Speed 0.66


Qiyana is one of the worst junglers in the current meta because she can be easily predicted which makes ganking extremely difficult. She wasn’t designed as jungler but she can assume the role just not well.

Difficulty High
Damage 66
Attack Speed 0.69


Gwen is a champion that has been discussed before as a top laner however in this FOTM Tier List, she underperforms immensely compared to the other Junglers. Her being a viable top laner is why her kit is compatible with a jungler role.

Difficulty High
Damage 63
Attack Speed 0.69


Kalista is one of the worst ADCs in the current meta because she does not do nearly enough damage to be viable compared to the other champions. She is one of the most support-dependent champions in the entire list.  She is decent at clearing lane waves which is her only notable strength.

Difficulty High
Damage 66
Attack Speed 0.69


Aphelios is a champion that was designed to be an ADC carry but underperforms quite heavily in the current meta. Although he is a great mid-game champion, in the solo queue, he is extremely hard to play.

Difficulty High
Damage 55
Attack Speed 0.64


Aniviva is good support but horrible in solo queue. She has great CC ability along with defensive support but Anviva can easily be targeted and shut down. Another problem with Anviva is that she only works with very few ADC champions.

Difficulty High
Damage 51
Attack Speed 0.63


Another champion with Arcane fame, Heimerdinger is one of the worst picks for support. He is great for poke damage but is only viable early game and quickly loses relevance in the game. Heimerdinger mains are the only people who can effectively use this champion as support.

Difficulty High
Damage 56
Attack Speed 0.63

Comparison Table

CharacterRankDifficultyDamageAttack Speed
AhriS TierMedium 530.67
YasuoS TierHigh600.7
ViegarS TierHigh570.66
ZedS TierHigh630.65
ViktorS TierHigh530.66
AkaliS TierMedium620.63
GarenS TierEasy660.63
SionS TierMedium680.68
FioraS TierMedium680.69
DariusS TierEasy640.63
GangplankS TierHigh640.66
AatoxS TierHigh600.65
KaynS TierMedium680.69
ViegoS TierMedium570.66
GravesS TierMedium680.48
JinxS TierEasy590.63
XayahS TierHigh600.66
NautilusS TierMedium610.71
YumiS TierMedium490.63
PykeS TierHigh620.67
SorakaS TierMedium 500.63
YomeA TierHigh600.63
KatarinaA TierHigh580.66
FizzA TierHigh580.66
SylasA TierEasy610.65
LuxA TierEasy540.67
MalzaharA TierEasy550.63
SettA TierMedium 600.63
JaxA TierMedium 680.64
RivenA TierHigh640.63
MordekaiserA TierEasy610.63
TeemoA TierEasy540.69
Master YiA TierEasy650.68
ShacoA TierHigh630.69
VolibearA TierEasy600.63
Kha'ZixA TierHigh630.67
DiannaA TierMedium 570.63
JhinA TierHigh590.63
Miss FortuneA TierEasy520.66
SamiraA TierHigh570.66
LucianA TierMedium 600.64
LuxA TierMedium 540.67
LuluA TierEasy470.63
BLitzcrankA TierEasy620.65
SennaA TierMedium 500.63
QiyanaB TierHigh660.69
AniviaB TierMedium 510.63
NeekoB TierMedium 480.63
EkkoB TierMedium 580.69
MalphiteB TierEasy620.74
KayleB TierHigh500.63
YoneB TierEasy600.63
Dr. MundoB TierMedium 610.67
IreliaB TierMedium 650.66
WarwickB TierEasy650.64
EkkoB TierHigh580.69
ViB TierEasy630.64
TrundleB TierMedium 680.6
EvelynnB TierHigh610.67
CaitlynB TierEasy600.68
AsheB TierEasy590.66
Kai'SaB TierMedium 590.64
SeraphineB TierMedium 550.67
XerathB TierMedium 560.63
ThreshB TierMedium 560.625
MorganaB TierEasy 560.63
BrandC TierEasy 570.63
GalioC TierMedium590.63
SwainC TierEasy 580.63
SkarnerC TierMedium650.63
AkaliC TierEasy620.63
GwenC TierHigh630.69
TalonC TierEasy680.63
IvernC TierHigh500.64
NunuC TierMedium610.63
ZiggsC TierMedium540.66
ZeriC TierMedium530.66
TristanaC TierMedium590.66
NeekoC TierEasy480.63
AsheC TierEasy590.66
Vel'KozC TierHigh550.63
RyzeD TierMedium580.63
GangplankD TierHigh640.66
SylasD TierMedium610.65
JayceD TierHigh540.66
QiyanaD TierHigh660.69
GwenD TierHigh630.69
KalistaD TierHigh660.69
ApheliosD TierHigh550.64
AnivivaD TierHigh510.63
HeimerdingerD TierHigh560.63

Patch Notes Version 13.6

Patch Version 13.6 introduces the following changes.

  • Ashe: Passive damage to targets with Frost increased.
  • Aurelion Sol: Q magic damage decreased, burst proc damage decreased. E cooldown increased. R CC duration decreased.
  • Dr. Mundo: Base health regeneration increased, health regeneration scaling decreased. W recast timer decreased. E damage to jungle monsters increased.
  • Galio: W magic and physical damage reduction increased. E cooldown decreased.
  • Talon: Base mana increased. Passive base damage increased, AD ratio increased. W mana cost decreased.
  • Vayne: Passive bonus movement speed increased. Q bonus damage increased, empowered attack duration decreased. W damage adjusted.
  • Veigar: Base health decreased, base armor decreased. W base damage decreased.
  • Yuumi: Q cooldown decreased, mana cost increased, missile speed decreased, range decreased, ally on-hit damage AP ratio reduced. R shield duration added, bonus resistances decreased.


This FOTM Tier List is based on champion scores and public opinion which may be in conflict with your views. The list can, of course, change very quickly with just one patch but let us stay hopeful that nothing is broken too heavily in the coming patches. Hopefully, this list covers enough information to help you decide which champions you want to learn in this season while they’re still good.