TopTierList is the name you can trust when it comes to video games, sports, and everything in between. Because there are a lot of different properties and hobbies out there in the world and it’s human nature to want to rank those things in order to assess which of them are good and which are not. We do this in order to rationalize the time we spend with these things, and ranking them allows us to justify our choices, while also conveying to others why we think they are worth investing time into.
And we here at TopTierList have dedicated our website to curating Tier Lists and News Articles on an immense range of subjects in an effort to keep our audience informed at all times.
Do you want to know which characters in a new mobile game are worth playing? We have you covered. Wanna instead learn which company makes the absolute best mics? We have the answers for that as well, and we’ll even go over all the ones you should avoid.
Why Trust Us?
So then the million-dollar question is: Why should you trust us when it comes to Tier Lists and the News? Well, that’s because our Team goes above and beyond in making sure that they have the most up-to-date facts on every single topic they cover, and more often than not, that requires extensive experimentation and examination on their part.
If we’re ranking the most popular cereals on the market, you can bet that our writers will be going through the effort of testing each and every single one of the entries by themselves to establish the rankings. This might take us a lot of time and effort, but we try our hardest to make sure that our information is accurate. And in keeping with our commitment to making sure that our articles are of the highest possible quality, we would like to go over some of our standards for creating these articles:
The Pipeline: The process of creating tiers at is transparent and unbiased and the integration of experts at each step makes it trustworthy. The focus on scannability, optimization, and the use of good in-house software developed to make eye-catching tier lists using expert graphic designers make our process professional and the value we provide is a tier above the competition.
Scannability: This is a technique we use at TopTierList to make it easy for our readers to get to the relevant information they are looking for as quickly as possible without wasting any time. We go to great lengths every single day to ensure that the scannability of our articles is as good as it possibly can be, and that is a result of our writers following our extremely strict Editorial Guidelines to a T.
Expertise: Whenever we decide to cover a subject, we make sure that the writer assigned to it has a deep well of knowledge of the topic at hand. So for example, video games are covered by gamers who play the titles themselves before making any lists, and movies are ranked only by someone who has watched them beforehand. And if we can’t find anyone who has familiarity with a subject, we do not start writing unless and until we have experienced that particular thing firsthand.
Objectivity: Our process of writing articles is transparent and the integration of experts at each step makes them a lot more reliable. But we never claim to be completely objective, as the people who write our Tier Lists are also influenced by their personal preferences and the media they enjoy. What makes us unique however is that we always go the extra mile in making sure that our articles are as objective as possible, and that personal biases do not overcome common sense.
Fact-Checking: After meeting the standards outlined in our Editorial Guidelines, our articles undergo a meticulous fact-checking process conducted by our editors. We verify the accuracy of every piece and promptly correct any errors before publication.
Publishing: After all of the standards in our Editorial Guidelines are met, a rigorous process of fact-checking begins with our editors. They make sure everything written in the articles is 100% accurate, and that any errors are fixed as soon as possible. After all of these vital standards are covered, then the articles are published for our audience to read.
The Bottom Line
As we have outlined above, we try and make all our Tier Lists as entertaining as possible, while also making sure that they are as direct and informative as they can be. We go to great lengths to make sure that the Scannability of each article is great so that our readers never feel that their time has been wasted.
We are a passionate group of writers and our mission is to create articles that everyone can enjoy. We may not be perfect, but we can guarantee that our experts will deliver informative content that you can rely on. We are also extremely open to constructive criticism, and we encourage our readers to get involved in our comments to let us know their thoughts where relevant.
We genuinely hope that you enjoyed reading about us, and we hope that you’ll stick around a bit longer to check out some of our content.