Latest Reviews Highlight the Beauty of The Callisto Protocol

Dead Space is a title that needs no introduction whatsoever. If you are a fan of sci-fi environments with a horror aspect, Dead Scape is one of your favorites based on everything the game offers. 

Of course, the classics like Amnesia and Outlast represent the horror genre of games spectacularly. However, this new title that we will discuss may be history in the making. 

Especially with the horror season upon us, Striking Distance Studios thought it best to bless us all with a 90-minute preview of their debuting game, Callisto Protocol. Considering that Callisto is the first game by this studio, I think it is safe to say that we will be talking a lot about this studio in the coming years. 

Striking Distance Studios is a very recent gaming studio that the legendary Glen Schofield runs. Glen has contributed massively to the Call of Duty and the Dead Space franchises, which makes his part in Callisto Protocol all the more important.

Callisto Protocol Review

Callisto Protocol is a sci-fi horror title dubbed as Dead Space’s spiritual successor. We at TopTierList went through multiple reviews of the 90-minute demo of the game. To my surprise, this is one of the best-looking games I have seen all month. 

We have seen games like Plague Tale Requiem and Gotham Knights a month, but I can confidently say that this game will be a sci-fi horror classic because of how well it looks. Of course, these are just words without proof. To change their status to facts, let’s have a look at the review made by Push Square, which beautifully highlights the magnitude of excellence in this game.

From aesthetics to attention to detail, from mechanics to feel, this game hit the nail hard. I love what the developers have done in this game. What’s more astonishing is that this is this studio’s first game. The passion Striking Distance Studios has put into this game resonates with the final product of their efforts.

The Gist of it All

  • Striking Distance Studios is a new gaming studio led by the living legend Glen Schofield.
  • Their debut is with a sci-fi horror title called Callisto Protocol.
  • Callisto Protocol is set in an absolutely stunning world with great attention to detail and game mechanics that stimulate feel.

Some Notable Features

As I’ve already discussed, this game is fantastic but let’s talk a little bit more about what ties this game together. You will play in the faraway future on one of Jupiter’s moons as Jacob Lee. When it comes to the gameplay, the first thing that I have noticed in almost all gameplays is that there is an extreme emphasis on melee rather than ranged. 

I love this fact about these types of horror games because it eliminates safety. You are forced to go head-on with the antagonists rather than staying back and shooting. Another key point I picked is that this game is quite difficult initially. Each type of enemy has a different attack pattern with different weak spots that aren’t very easy to hit.

However, despite having only melee along with difficult-to-hit weak points, you will be matched with two or more enemies at once as you progress. This introduces the crowd control skill, and I particularly love it.

To help you in these crowd-control situations, the developers have added a very fun tool in the game, a gravitational glove called the GRP. To put it as bluntly as possible, it’s a gravity gun. You can pick up enemies with it, and you can pick up objects and smash enemies with them; the possibilities are endless. 

Callisto Protocol Gameplay
In-game Gravity Glove

Graphically Pleasing

I could go on for days talking about how great this game is. However, I’ll hold myself back for now and only talk about why this game is especially pleasing regarding graphics. Callisto will be available on consoles as well as PC.

I only saw some of the PS5 versions, but it’s not hard to see how great it looks. This game has everything a horror setting needs, from smoke to smog to an absolute gore fest. Most of the time, you will be stuck in small spaces fighting off mutated specimens. But it occasionally opens up and shows you exactly how beautiful it is.

Another part of the game I found particularly exhilarating is that you have to stomp your enemies you obtain loot from them. As someone who appreciates gore, this is a fantastic little addition they made to this game. 

Ending Note

To conclude, if you are a survival horror game fan, you will love this game. Mark your calendars for December 2nd of this year and check out what this game truly offers. Of course, this was just a brief description of what some of the features in Callisto.

But, Many people have already covered a full gameplay showing each and every corner of the 90-minute campaign. Finally, if you liked reading this review, let me know your thoughts in the comments. I would also love to know your thoughts on the game. Take care, gamers.