Ninja Baseball Bat Man 2 Coming to Life

Ninja Baseball Bat Man is a classic 90s Beat ’em up arcade game. It used to rule the arcades back in the days, and if you see one nowadays, watch how people in their late 30s react to it.

It was developed and published by Irem and quickly became a masterpiece of that time, as the game allows you to play with four players, making it perfect for playing with friends.

You can play as either of the four characters; Captain Jose, Twinbats Ryno, Beanball Roger, and Stick Straw, and by no means is the game realistic; it’s something straight out of a child’s imagination. But that’s what made it so good.

For a kid, it has everything you can hope for, and the reason it’s being talked about in this exclusive news is because of the possible revival of the game, as we just caught a sneak peek on CRT Games’ official website.

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This picture caught on the bottom of the official site of the Korean company CRT Games reveals that they have this slot as potentially a placeholder for Irem’s classic game. The evidence is the logo on the back clearly showing Ninja Baseball Bat Man 2 as the title.

CRT Games might just be the hero in this situation as they have already given us “Snow Bros. Nick & Tom Special”, and with this, their claim to revive retro games is proceeding smoothly.

In the age where we are getting AAA games and getting bored of them faster than we realize, we really need a touch of the games that ignited the passion for gaming within each of us.

CRT Games will re-ignite that torch, and it’s on us to support them throughout this, as they are carrying a lot of weight on their shoulders.

That’s all for this news; having a sequel or special addition to a classic retro game is a very fragile situation because you can either love it with passion or hate it equally.

Nonetheless, if you have any thoughts on what other games they might grasp after this, do let us know so we can all feel the nostalgia once more!