Weapon Images for an Unannounced Gearbox Project Leaked

It is always sad to see some games with exceptional potential not seeing the light of the day. It feels like dreaming about your unborn child and being sad that it doesn’t exist. All in all, it’s a poetic endeavor for all gamers and is something we all go through. Let’s mourn over a game that shows great potential but was never meant for us to experience it.

One of the concept designers working on a project by Gearbox shared some images with us. If you don’t know about Gearbox Software, it is an American video game development company established as a limited liability company in 1999. The company was founded by five former developers of Rebel Boat Rocker. They have given us some notable titles, like Half-Life, Borderlands, and much more.

The Images

Now, back to the images, they primarily include the weapons, but that alone shows us how amazing it could have been. So, without further ado, let’s check it out!

Alien Gun
Image by Aaron Smith #1
Neuroblaster Gun
Image by Aaron Smith #2
Megapunk Gun
Image by Aaron Smith #3
Orange Gun
Image by Aaron Smith #4
Stylish Gun
Image by Aaron Smith #5
Halo Gun
Image by Aaron Smith #6
More Halo Gun
Image by Aaron Smith #7
Gearbox Gun
Image by Aaron Smith #8
Gearbox cancel game
Image by Aaron Smith #9
Gearbox cancelled game
Image by Aaron Smith #10

There are many of these, and thanks to Aaron Paul’s work on this project, we got to see them. There are other images of different weird items, but we will mainly focus on the guns. One of the more exciting things here is the selection of designs.

For example, we have some guns (Images 7, 8, 10) you would expect in Halo and some you will see in a completely different game. Image #9 is also attractive as its design is the most unique, having a more “infantry” look.

What Does it Tell About the Game?

All in all, these images are great, but they are still not enough for us to guess what kind of game this unannounced project was. According to Aaron’s description of these images:

These images are from an old project that I worked on for Gearbox. It had some of the most insane weapon designs I ever had the pleasure to work on. Much of the art direction and initial concepts were done by Seneca Menard. Sadly the project was never released.

So, Seneca Menard is also one of the people who worked on these and could have been the key person. Nevertheless, the artist himself appreciates the images and considers them “some of the most insane weapon designs,” so that’s already a big enough compliment.

Which one of these guns is your favorite? Let us know your thoughts on them and why you think the project was never released. We will discuss it with you down below!

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