The spine-chilling adventure Dead Space Remake has a treat for the survival horror games fan. The famous actor Nick Apostolides...
Gaming News
TopTierList is a premium platform that provides you with in-depth information about the Gaming world. We focus on exclusive news about the gaming community and the market trends in the gaming industry. Our website covers a variety of video game topics, feature news, quality guides, and codes. Moreover, we make sure to keep the gamers informed about their favorite games and help them to make rational buying decisions on new releases.
The final demo of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty can now be seen in the SteamDB, along with minor details for the demo.
According to the LinkedIn profile of Project Midnight's Narrative Director, the game is currently in the alpha playable build stage.
Benji-Sales, a reliable source of sales news, has revealed that Hogwarts Legacy pre-orders are similar to Elden Ring and Cyberpunk 2077.
According to an insider, Campaign AI for Halo Infinite Forge is in preflight builds. The new AI system can open more PvE content.
According to a Brazilian site, physical games on Xbox will no longer be distributed in Brazil, but the same is not true for PlayStation.
Famous cracker, Empress, has recently declared war against Capcom, Warner Bros., and Denuvo, promising to crack their upcoming game.
People have already started streaming Hogwarts Legacy, leaking some of the important features of the game before getting banned.
A Twitter account has leaked many details from the upcoming The Crew Motorfest, revealing many cars and the disciplines in the game.
People Can Fly has several projects shrouded in mystery, one of which is Project Gemini with Square Enix. Though the details...
Several recent job listings reveal information on The Molasses Flood's Witcher game, including PvE, co-op, combat, and environment details.
A YouTuber has created a Fan Concept Trailer showing an earth-sized open-world Mandalorian game where you can travel across planets.